《大学计算机基础》课程是该校非专业本科生必修公共课,其中硬件知识抽象难懂,加上资金、场地和设备等原因,大部分学生又无法亲自动手实验,使得硬件教学难以取得好的效果,这个问题长期以来困扰着老师和同学们。有鉴于此,从软件角度着眼,利用3ds Max制作计算机硬件三维模型,导入Virtools虚拟现实软件中,建立世界坐标系下的虚拟互动实验场景,开发单机运行或基于B/S的网络虚拟平台,使所有学生使用鼠标、键盘即可在虚拟场景中模拟安装计算机硬件的过程。系统初步实现后,为了测试可行性,将其安装在大学计算机教学部实验机房,通过一段时间测试,学生反映在虚拟环境下操作简便、实用,能够反复操作。对以前那些抽象的硬件,一目了然,非常便于学习。由此可见,三维虚拟现实系统的开发在学生课程实验中大有作为。
College Basic Computer is a required course of nonprofessional undergraduate compulsory in school, in which the hardware knowledge is abstract and difficult, and with money, venues and equipment reasons, most of the students can' t do the experiments them- selves, making the hardware is hard to get good teaching effect. The problem has long plagued the teachers and students. Because of this, focused on the software perspective, using 3ds Max to make 3d model of computer hardware and importing Virtools to virtual reality soft- ware, the virtual interactive scenario in World Coordinate System is set up. Development of running standalone or network virtual platform based on B/S, all students can simulate the installation process of computer hardware in virtual scene by using mouse and keyboard. After the initial system implementation,in order to test the feasibility ,it is installed in the University Department of Computer Teaching Experi- ment room. Through a period of testing, students reflect operating in a virtual environment is simple and practical, and able to repeat. Those previous hardware abstraction is clear and easy to learn. It follows that 3D virtual reality system developing can give great contribu- tion to students' experiment courses.
Computer Technology and Development
3D model
virtual reality
B/S network
World Coordinate System
virtual interaction