
云南省石漠化调查及治理综述 被引量:32

Review of the investigation and integrated renovation on rocky desertification in Yunnan Province,China
摘要 经过全面调查,查明了云南石漠化分布、成因及资源环境条件。通过统一规划,多方协作,采取生物、工程、经济、社会建设等多方面的措施开展石漠化综合治理,取得了一定成效,遥感监测石漠化面积减少6.2万hm^2。其中,国土资源部门进行的地下水开发、土地及矿山地质环境整治、地质旅游资源开发等综合治理工作,消除或削弱了造成石漠化的自然或人为因素,标本兼治的效果突出。石漠化治理工作中的问题,主要有石漠化治理仍限于治点,区域面貌改观不大;考虑岩溶流域的系统性不够,选择治理方法未考虑对流域下游的影响;重植被恢复,对于区域经济和生态功能整体修复的考虑不足;调查变化情况监测手段落后,治理效果及动态不清;地下水资源的科学开发利用和依法管控尚待加强;部门之间协调整合不够,影响综合治理成效等。因此云南的石漠化治理任重道远,尚需做好第二期综合治理规划,采取有效措施,加大规划的执行力度。 As one of the provinces with largest karst area, the size of karst area is 110,875.7 km2 in Yunnan province, with a rocky desertification size of 34,772.76 km2 of in the karst area. The rocky desertification has seriously restricted the sustainable development the local economy. The ecologic and geologic environment is very fragile, and the land is very droughty and lacks of soil in rocky desertification areas. The main factors that directly impact on the rocky desertification include excess population relative to the environment hearing capacity, unreasonable exploitation of land, impacts of mining activities on local ecology and environ- ments, and industrial pollution, etc. In addition, low-level utilization of green resources have an indirect influence on the development of rock desertification. These include natural resources as biology, tourism, geothermal water and mineral water, which are much abundant in the karst area. After full investigations and comprehensive studies, an integrated renovation program has been completed. Based on this program, bio logical, engineering, economic and social measures have been implemented for the integrated renovation of the rocky desertification. It should be stressed that the Department of Land and Resources (DI.R) has implemented many effective measures, such as demonstration projects for the development of karst groundwater and the integrated renovation of rocky desertification, land consolidation, mining geo-environmental protection and associated mine rehabilitation, and geopark ecological construction and environmental protection, etc. These measures have directly reduced land area of rocky desertification land and effectively restricted those artificial or natural factors leading to rocky desertification in the karst area. In the meantime, the department has increased job opportunities and promoted rural urbanization in small towns through effective development of valuable geological resources, which in turn the efforts of the DLR have been paid off. The main problems in the integrated renovation include the following parts. Firstly, the renovation areas of the rocky desertification are sporadically distributed and the change of the regional landscape is small. Secondly, the correlation and overall response of karst basin have been less well recognized and the selected renovation methods are improper. Thirdly, the investigation and monitor are not updated in time so that the effects and progress of the renovation are inaccurate. Fourthly, the development and utilization of groundwater resource as well as the protection of the resource and environment have not been implemented well. Finally, the coordination and cooperation among different governmental departments for the integrated renovation projects are not enough. These problems have negative influence on the efficiency of the integrated renovation of the rocky desertification. In this paper, tb.e distribution diagram of rocky desertification, the investigation intensity map and the distribution diagram of the demonstration engineering are valuable material to have a better understanding of the rocky desertification, environmental conditions and resources, and the investigation progress in Yunnan Province.
出处 《中国岩溶》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期486-496,共11页 Carsologica Sinica
基金 基金项目:云南省岩溶水文地质环境地质调查成果集成
关键词 生态 环境 地质 地理 喀斯特 石漠化 ecology, environment, geology, geography, karst, rocky desertification
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