
格奥尔格与法国象征主义 被引量:1

Stefan George and French Symbolism
摘要 德国诗人斯特凡·格奥尔格在1889-1892年的巴黎经历对其创作的影响不可低估,法国象征主义诗人追求"为艺术而艺术"、崇奉诗与美以及以马拉美为中心的志同道合者的聚会,都与他心底深处的渴求一致;但在吸收他们的新美学并内化的过程中,格奥尔格也推崇并继承了古希腊罗马传统中的诗人之为先知与民众之师的精神,由此彰显了自己的不同追求。马拉美是伟大的美的祭司,而格奥尔格既追求美诗,又是先知,但对他而言,诗人之为美的祭司是诗人之为诗人的根本,诗人的创作之于其先知使命具有本源意义。 German poet Stefan George's contact with French Symbolists in Paris in 1889- 1892 has a formative impact on his poetry and can't be underestimated. The French Symbolism's pursuit of art for art's sake, worship of the poetry and the gatherings of like- minded writers and artists around St^phane Mallarm~, are in harmony with his innermost desire.Stefan George believed in the ancient Greek and Roman tradition of the poet as a prophet and educator. In absorbing French Symbolist poetics, he adheres to this tradition and highlights his different pursuit.Mallarme is the high priest of the beautiful, and while George is also a prophet in the pursuit of the beautiful, for him the poet should first be a priest of the beautiful and this is fundamental for his mission as a prophet.
作者 杨宏芹
出处 《中国比较文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期173-191,共19页 Comparative Literature in China
关键词 斯特凡·格奥尔格 马拉美 象征主义 诗人作为美的祭司 诗人作为先知 Stefan George Stephane Mallarme symbolism poet as priest of the beautiful poet as prophet
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