
基于多智能体技术日用陶瓷质量等级分类方法研究 被引量:2

Research on Quality Grade Classification Method of Daily-Use Porcelain Based on Multi-Agent Technology
摘要 由于生产过程中环境和材料等因素影响,陶瓷产品会出现不同程度和不同种类的缺陷比如裂纹、落渣、变形、烤花粘釉等,人工辨别和分类会导致生产效率低下。为了提高陶瓷产品质量等级分类效率和智能化程度,本文提出了将多智能体技术应用于日用瓷质量等级分类的方法,给出了基于多智能体技术的陶瓷分类系统结构和功能实现方案。同时,智能体将卡尔曼滤波算法和C4.5分类算法进行了有效的结合来处理数据。最后,给出了一个日用瓷分类应用实例,通过对抽样产品缺陷进行数据分析,结果表明该方法在日用瓷分类中是有效的和可行的。这为多智能体技术在陶瓷领域的应用提供了一种新途径和新思路。 Because of the influence of factors such as environment and materials in the ceramic production process, different levels and kinds of defects such as crack, falling slag, deformation, roast flower sticky glaze, etc. existed on ceramic products. In this case, the artificial discerning and classification efliciency is very low. In order to improve the quality classification efficiency and intelligent level of ceramic products, a kind of method of applying multi-agent technology in ceramic products quality grade classification is presented, and the ceramic classification system structure and function implementation scheme based on multi-agent technology are also given in the paper. At the same time, Kalman filtering algorithm and C4,5 classification algorithm is effectively combined to process data by the multi-agent. Finally, a application example of daily-use porcelain is given in this paper. Through the analysis of defect data in the sample, the results show that the method proposed is effective and feasible in the daily-use porcelain classification. This will provide a new approach and new idea for the application of multi-agent technology in the field of ceramics.
出处 《中国陶瓷》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期55-62,共8页 China Ceramics
基金 国家自然科学基金(61563022) 江西省重大自然科学基金(20152ACB20009)
关键词 多智能体 陶瓷质量等级分类 C4.5决策树 卡尔曼滤波 Multi-agent Ceramic quality grade classification C4.5 decision tree Kalman filtering
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