
草莓表面典型微生物鉴定、16SrDNA同源性分析及附着能力研究(Ⅰ) 被引量:5

Research on Identification,16SrDNA Homology and Adhesion of Typical Microorganisms on Surface of Strawberry(Ⅰ)
摘要 按照草莓生长的3个阶段对四川草莓主产区某生产基地进行2年度连续抽样,对分离的草莓表面微生物进行生化鉴定和16SrDNA测序鉴定;假单胞菌、阴沟肠杆菌2种出现率较高的微生物采用最大简约法(MP)进行同源性分析;并对致软腐微生物进行附着和清洗试验。结果表明,沙雷菌,泛菌属泛菌,少动鞘氨醇单胞菌在草莓青果期出现率较高,假单胞菌,阴沟肠杆菌在各个时期不同地域的草莓均有检出;采摘时间及成熟程度不同草莓表面分离的假单胞及阴沟肠杆菌具有同源性但分子水平仍有差异;清洗试验表明10%的盐水和含氮清洗剂可以改变微生物的渗透压,有效清除表面附着的假单胞菌和阴沟肠杆菌。本试验对草莓表面致腐微生物的研究将为草莓的安全食用提供参考。 In this paper, the biochemical identification and 16SrDNA sequencing identification of the microorganisms on the surface of the sampled strawberry in three stages in the main strawberry producing areas of Sichuan for continuous two years were conducted ; Maximum parsimony was adopted to conduct homology analysis for two kinds of microorganisms (Pseudomonadaceae and Enterobactercloacae) with relatively high existing possibility; And besides, the test of adhesion and cleaning of microorganisms led to the rot of strawberry was also caiafed out. The results showed that Serratia spp. ,Pantoea spp. , Sphingomonas paucimobilis all had a comparatively high detection rate in the unripe strawberry, Pseudomonadaceae and Enterobactercloaeae were detected on the surface of strawberry sampled in all periods, in addition, they have homogy but differ at the molecular level with the difference of the picking time and maturity of strawberry. Cleaning experiment demon- strated that 10 % saline and chlorine-containing detergent could change the osmotic pressure of microorganism and effectively remove the Pseudomortadaceae and Enterobactercloacae attached to the surface of strawberry. Through the research on microorganisms that cause the rot of strawberry, the experiment would provide protection for the safe consumption of strawberry.
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期2939-2943,共5页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 四川省财政创新能力提升工程项目(2013XXXK-022) 国家农产品质量安全风险评估重大专项(2016) 食生鲜果蔬病源微生物调查与产品安全性评估(GJFP201601302)
关键词 草莓 致软腐微生物 系统发育树 食用安全控制 Strawberry Bacterial soft rot Phylogenetic tree Hazard analysis critical control
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