
儿童血友病骨关节病多模态影像学评估 被引量:2

Multimodal imaging evaluation for hemophilic arthropathy in children
摘要 多模态影像学检查方法可以为不同程度、不同时期乃至不同部位出血的血友病骨关节病变提供精准的影像学诊断和预后评估,为了正确认识和理解血友病骨关节病变的病理变化和临床治疗策略,需要对不同影像检查的特点及评估范围有所了解,并选择和应用不同的检查方法,进行定性和定量的临床应用与科学研究。影像检查和评估系统能早期、客观地对血友病性骨关节病进行全面评估及个体评估,在血友病骨关节病的诊断、分期、治疗、随访等方面起到至关重要的作用。 The multimodal imaging method can be used to as- seses hemopiliac arthropathy in different periods, different degree and even different areas of the joints.In order to comprehend the understanding on pathological changes of he- mophilic osteoarthropathy and clinical treatment strategy needs, and to provide accurate imaging diagnosis and progno- sis evaluation, we need to know the characteristics and evaluation range in different imaging methods and the selection and put this into the clinical application and scientific research qualitatively and quantitatively. The imaging examination and evaluation system can evaluate early changes objectively and comprehensively and provide individual assessment for hemophilic arthropathy, which plays an important role in the diagnosis, staging, treatment and follow-up of hemophilic arthropathy.
出处 《中国实用儿科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期47-50,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics
关键词 儿童 血友病 骨关节病 影像学 child hemophilia arthropathy imaging
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