
彭玉麟与中法战争 被引量:1

On Peng Yu-lin and the Sino-French War
摘要 中法战争期间彭玉麟前往广东办理防务,先后与两个总督合作。他协助张树声时,由于抗法态度不一,矛盾重重,他提出的很多有效措施未被采纳,广东防务收效甚微。后清政府任命张之洞担任两广总督,彭玉麟向他提出的一系列措施基本上被采纳,并得到全力支持。彭、张之间亲密合作,严密设防,广东没有受到法国入侵,保证了地方的安全。但在取得镇南关—谅山大捷、战局发生扭转后,由于清政府采取李鸿章的"避战求和"政策,下令停战撤防,张之洞同意撤防,二者的关系随之发生变化,此时彭玉麟提出的善后措施没有施行。总之,彭玉麟的防务措施不仅与钦、督之间关系有关,还与中枢对法是战是和的态度有着密切的联系。 Peng Yu-lin went to Guangdong province to handle defense affairs during the Sino-French War. He cooperated suc- cessively with the two governors. When he assisted Zhang Shu-sheng, their attitudes of resisting are different and there are many contradictions between them. He proposed many countermeasures which had not been adopted and the defense affairs in Guangdong have achieved little. Later, the Qing government appointed Zhang Zhi-dong to be the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi province, he proposed a series of countermeasures to him which had been almost adopted and got full supported. The imperial envoy and the province governor cooperated closely, implemented the heavily-militarized countermeasures, Guangdong had not been France's invasion and ensures the safety of the places. But after the Zhennanguan-liangshan victory, which revers- ing the situation of war, due to the Qing Government adopted policy of "avoiding war but seeking for peace" proposed by Li Hong-zhang, ordered them to stop the war and remove the defense, Zhang Zhi-dong agreed to disarm and their relationship have been changed. At that time, Peng Yu-lin's proposal of rehabilitation measures has not been implemented. In short, the defense countermeasures of Peng Yu-lin not only have the relationship between the imperial envoy and the province governor, but also have great linkage of the attitude of the central government.
作者 鲁风萍
出处 《衡阳师范学院学报》 2017年第1期66-69,共4页 Journal of Hengyang Normal University
关键词 中法战争 彭玉麟 总督 防务 the Sino-French War Peng Yu-lin governor defense
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