

Research on the concurrence pattern of industrial injury insurance compensation and personal injury compensation
摘要 劳动者在工伤事故中存在工伤保险赔偿请求权和侵权损害赔偿请求权的竞合适用问题,目前我国的法律法规在处理此问题时存在立法上的漏洞。解决竞合适用问题,关键是确定竞合适用的模式。世界各国处理竞合适用问题采用的模式不同。梳理后发现,主要有选择适用模式、兼得适用模式、替代适用模式和补充适用模式,这四种模式各有优劣。通过分析国外四种竞合模式的优劣,提出我国应采用以替代适用模式为主、以补充适用模式为辅的复合型适用模式。 Laborers have the concurrence problem between the claim rights of the compensation for industrial injury insurance and the compensation for infringement damages in the industrial accident. At present,there are loopholes in the legislation of our country' s laws and regulations on which pattern should be chosen when the two claim rights are in concurrence. This paper argues that the most vital key to solve the concurrence is to determine the eligible pattern for concurrence. All the countries in the world choose different patterns to deal with the concurrence problem. After combing different pattern materials, the author finds, generally, there are four main concurrence patterns, substitution pattern, selective pattern, having both pattern and supplement pattern. Besides, they all have advantages and disadvantages. Through the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the four foreign concurrence patterns, this paper puts forward that China should choose the composite concurrence pattern to solve the concurrence problems according to China's specific and actual situation.
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第1期73-78,共6页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 辽宁经济社会发展立项课题"工伤赔偿与人身损害赔偿竞合研究"(2016lslktzifx-06)
关键词 工伤保险 人身损害 赔偿 竞合 模式 industrial injury insurance infringement damages compensation concurrence pattern
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