
儿童后悔情绪的发展及其与行为决策的关系 被引量:1

Research on the relationship between the development of children regret emotion and behavior decision making
摘要 后悔情绪与决策的关系问题一直受到不同领域研究者的关注。近年来人们开始将研究兴趣逐渐转向儿童后悔情绪。后悔情绪是在反事实思维基础上产生的一种消极情绪,大约出现在6~7岁,对于后悔情绪的概念以及分类的界定并没有达成一致认识。通过文献梳理,将儿童的后悔情绪分为两种,即体验后悔和预期后悔;并明确了两种不同后悔情绪的本质差异,即预期后悔要求儿童具有能够理解别人后悔情绪的能力,而体验后悔则不需要。通过博弈游戏证明两种后悔情绪都会影响儿童做出更好的决策。在未来的研究中,后悔情绪的研究手段应更加丰富,并要深入探讨不同后悔情绪类型和决策之间的关系。 The relationship between regret and behavior decision making has been intensively studied by researchers from various fields of psychology. In recent years, researchers focus on children~ s regret emotion . Regret, which generally occurs when a child is 6 to 7 years old, is a kind of negative emotion that bases on counter factual thinking. There has been no widely-accepted conclusion about the essential of the concept and types. Based on previous literatures, children regret is divided into two categories. experience regret and anticipation regret, and whether children can understand others ~ regret is the essential difference between experience regret and anticipation regret. Two types of regret can influence children to make better decisions. In future research: the research methods of regret emotion should be more abundant, and the relationship between different types of regret emotion and decision-making should be deeply discussed.
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第1期99-103,共5页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金一般项目"儿童公平发展特征及干预研究"(15YJA190004) 教育部博士导师基金项目"公平敏感性视角下2~8岁儿童公平行为发生及发展特点研究"(20132136120004)
关键词 儿童 反事实思维 体验后悔 预期后悔 行为决策 children counterfactual thinking experience regret anticipation regret behavior decision making
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