介绍了Google Earth的常见功能,对其在现代测量过程中的项目预算、测量控制网设计、施测和管理等方面的应用结合工作实际进行详细说明,通过笔者在实际工作过程中对Google Earth的使用,说明其应用减少测量的外业工作强度,提高了测量的工作效率,节约了生产成本。
This paper describes the common features of Google Earth, The project budget in its modern measurement process,measure- ment and control network design and so on Surveying and management application combined with actual work is described in detail, On the author's actual work process google Earth is used to illustrate the application can reduce the intensity of the measured field work, improve work efficiency measurement, saving production costs.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology