As a kind of convertible bonds, exchangeable bonds appear in the Chinese market in a short time. By the end of 2014, the first public offering of exchangeable bonds issued by the "14 Baosteel EB" coupon range limit, and in the two grade market popular, prices topped 200 yuan. With the payment of the redemption and sale of the provisions of the 15 days set EB successful release marks the gradual maturity of the species. The first part of this article briefly introduces the basic clauses and characteristics of exchangeable debt. The second part reviews the development history and legal system of exchangeable bonds in China's financial market. The third part discusses the exchange of bonds between convertible bonds, and the exchange of accounting attributes are analyzed, finally combining the practice of case selection accounted for specific subjects. The fourth part summarizes the characteristics of exchangeable bonds and the prospect of future development in China's financial market.
Journal of Jilin Financial Research
Exchangeable Bonds
Convertible Debt Accounting
Attribute Entry Processing