正电子发射型计算机断层显像(positron emission computed tomography,PET)是普遍应用于肿瘤诊治过程的无创性影像学工具。PET与CT或MRI相结合,在显示解剖结果的同时,可显示肿瘤的代谢状态和治疗中的状态改变。PET/CT在盆腔良恶性肿瘤的鉴别诊断和卵巢癌术前分期中具有一定优势,并在复发和残留病灶检测上具有高敏感度和高特异性有助于制定更完善诊治策略,有望在卵巢癌的诊治中起到更重要的作用,本文对PET/CT在卵巢癌中的应用现状进行综述。
Positron Emission is a noninvasive imaging tool for the diagnosis and treatment of tumors. In combination with CT or MRI, PET can realize anatomical changes while showing the metabolic status and functional changes during the treatment in a single study. In this article, we reviewed the application status of PET in ovarian cancer. PET has certain advantages in different diagnosis of benign and malignant pelvic tumors and in the Preoperative Staging of ovarian cancer. To a certain extent, it can change the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer. PET also has a high sensitivity and a high specificity in the detection of recurrence and residual lesions. It is expected to play a more important role in the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer.
Obstetrics-Gynecology and Genetics (Electronic Edition)