利用长江流域棉花(Gossypium spp.)育种重要亲本苏棉12和荆55173(感黄萎病)与抗黄萎病资源Sicala V1和中21373配制两套感病×抗病杂交组合(苏棉12×Sicala V1和荆55173×中21373),在其杂交组合的自交子代群体中挑选与黄萎病抗性相关的9个SSR(Simple sequence repeat)标记实施分子标记辅助选择(Marker-assisted selection,MAS)育种。结果表明,通过单标记选择,8个SSR标记的aa与AA两种基因型个体间的黄萎病校正病情指数(Correction disease index,CDI)差异达到极显著或者显著水平。利用多元逐步回归分析得到的单标记、双标记以及多标记3种筛选方法的效果,结果表明合理采取多个有效标记同时筛选能够提高选择的准确度。
The self-pollinated progenies derived from two cotton(Gossypium spp.) crosses(Jing55173×Zhong21373 and Sumian12×Sicala V1) of the susceptible cultivars(Sumian12 and Jing55173) and the highly tolerant cultivars(Sicala V1 and Zhong21373) to Verticillium wilt were used for resistance breeding with marker-assisted selection(MAS). MAS of these progeny populations was put forward by nine simple sequence repeats(SSR) which related to quantitative trait locis(QTL) for Verticillium wilt resistance. For eight of nine SSRs,the difference of correction disease index(CDI) between aa and AA genotype individuals reached either significant or highly significant levels. The effects among single marker, two markers and multi-markers on MAS of cotton were compared using three makers that were selected by multiple stepwise regression analysis, the results showed that selective effects were enhanced through multi-markers way.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences