目的 探讨铜绿假单胞菌所致小儿肠炎发病因素和流行病学特征 ,寻求有效治疗措施。方法 采取腹泻患儿新鲜大便 ,进行病原学检测 ,对经培养、鉴定出铜绿假单胞菌感染病例进行分析。结果 从小儿腹泻粪便培养的 5 6 0例阳性病例中 ,鉴定出铜绿假单胞菌 5 0例 ,占 8.92 % ,居该组腹泻病原菌的第四位。本组感染者 70 %为 1岁以下的婴儿 ,且 92 %的病例分别伴有 1~ 5种合并症。常年均有发病 ,以夏秋季为发病高峰。结论 铜绿假单胞菌是重要的条件致病菌之一 ,当人机体抵抗力低下时 ,则易感染发病 ,尤其是婴幼儿免疫功能尚未发育完善 ,加之患有各种原发病的婴幼儿 ,其体质更加虚弱 ,则对该菌的易感率更高 ,常致肠道感染性腹泻 ,因其耐药谱广 ,治疗较为困难 ,需努力探索有效药物 。
s:Objective To investigate te pathogenic factors and epidemiology features in children with diarrhea caused by pseudomonas areuginosa infection for useful therapeutic measures.Methods Detecting pathogenic bacteria in newly collected feces.Then analysis the cases.identified by faces cultures with pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Results 50 cases were identified with pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in 560 diarrhea patients with positive feces culture results. The percentage rate was 8.92%.Listed the fourth in this group.70% infected were under the age of one year old and 92% cases have some kind of complication.Occurred very year and very season, It's peak is in summer-autumn period.Conclusion Pseudomonas aeruginosa,one of the important opportunistic pathogen,often infects people with less-effective immune system function.Infantile whose immune system have not developed perfectly,if catch some kind of disease, are more likely infected.Because of severe anti microbial resistance,treatment of this diarrhea was diffculty.We need to find effective drugs to cure this disease.
Henan Journal of Preventive Medicine