
基于多比特自适应量化方案的相位密钥生成方法 被引量:3

Secret phase key generation based on multibit adaptive quantization
摘要 利用时分系统无线信道的互易性,对两个节点之间的信道相位进行测量从而提取密钥比特,使得可以在信道估计时获得密钥,无须进行预分配。提出了一种多比特自适应量化方案,将信道测量值量化成多个比特,并给出了密钥一致性概率理论推导。仿真结果表明,方案可以达到较高的密钥生成一致率,并具有一定的抗干扰能力。 This paper extracted secret key from its noisy radio channel measurements at two nodes by exploiting the reciprocity of wireless chamel in time division system. Therefore, the secret key could be generated with the channel estimation to over- come the drawback of the key pre-distribution mechanism. This paper proposed a multibit adaptive quantization scheme to en- coding channel measurements which allowed multiple bits per component and deduced key agreement probability theory. Simu- lation results show that the scheme can achieve high key generation consistency probability, and has a certain ability of anti-in- terference.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期490-494,共5页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61201270)
关键词 无线通信 物理层安全 密钥生成 相位 多比特自适应量化 wireless communication physical layer security secret key generation phase multibit adaptive quantization scheme
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