
基于PTPP的WSN密钥分配方法研究 被引量:2

Research of WSN key distribution method based on PTPP
摘要 伴随WSN的广泛应用,其安全问题也日益得到重视。WSN节点通信时需要验证对方的身份,常用的方式是密钥验证方式,如何确保密钥分配过程的安全性是整个WSN网络通信安全的基础。在分析目前常用的密钥分配算法的基础上,提出了基于多项式、时间和身份相关的密钥对分配方法,利用四元对称多项式将节点的部署时间和节点ID进行绑定,并在此基础上建立节点间的共享密钥对协商机制。对方法的安全性和可行性进行了分析,并通过仿真实验进行验证,结果表明基于PTPP的WSN密钥对分配方法可以有效阻止复制节点伪装新节点加入网络行为,提高了密钥分配的安全性。 With the wide application of WSN, the security issues are also increasingly taken seriously. When the WSN node communication it needs to verify the identity of the other party, the common approach is key authentication, how to ensure the security of the key distribution process is even more important. Based on the analysis of currently used key distribution algo- rithm, this paper proposed a new method based on the polynomial, time and identity-related key distribution, which used qua- ternion symmetric polynomial so as to bind deployment time and node ID. And it established a shared key between nodes on the basis of consultation mechanism. It analyzed and verified the safety and feasibility of the method, the simulation results show that the WSN key distribution method based PTPP can effectively prevent a replication node join to networks,improve the security of key distribution process.
机构地区 陆军军官学院
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期495-498,517,共5页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(61272333,61273302) 安徽省青年基金资助项目(1208085MF94)
关键词 无线传感器网络 密钥分配 PTPP 复制节点 KERM KEREM wireless sensor network(WSN) key distribution PTPP replication node key establishment request message (KERM) key establishment response message(KEREM)
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