
循环闭式模锻工艺的数值模拟 被引量:4

Numerical simulation on cyclic closed-die forging technology
摘要 为了深入了解循环闭式模锻过程中变形行为规律,改进制备工艺,为下一步工业化应用奠定基础,采用Deform-3D数值模拟软件对循环闭式模锻进行有限元分析,探讨了模锻过程中试样的温度场、应变场、速度场、应力场。结果表明:加工时,坯料上端先于下端镦粗变形,逐步充满下型腔;变形过程中,试样内部大多数部位承载三维方向压缩应力,各质点流动速度不同,流动方向各异,造成剪切塑性变形始终存在;初始道次结束后试样内部各部位应变差异很大,随着后续道次的进行,应变的分布呈均匀化趋势,累积应变不断提高;温度场模拟表明,坯料模锻后棱边和表面温升很高,坯料内部大部分区域温升较低。在400℃加工铸态AZ31镁合金的实验表明:4道次后,晶粒分布均匀,平均尺寸由约178μm细化到约19μm。 In order to understand the law of deformation behavior in the process of cyclic closed-die forging(CCDF),to improve the preparation process and to lay the foundation for further industrial application,the finite element analysis was performed on CCDF by numerical simulation software Deform-3D. The features of temperature field,strain field,velocity field and stress field of the sample in die forging were discussed. The results show that the upsetting deformation of the upper end of billet is earlier than the lower end when filling the cavity. Most parts of the internal sample bear compressive stress in three-dimensional directions,and the shear plastic deformation always exists because of different values and directions of flowing speed in forging. Therefore,the strain distribution is very inhomogeneous on the whole sample after an initial pass,and both strain uniformity and accumulated strain increase as sequential passes are carried on. The temperature field simulation shows that the temperature rising in the edge and surface are very apparent,while it is lower in most areas of the internal part. The experimental investigation of processing cast magnesium alloy AZ31 at 400 ℃ shows that the average grain size is refined about from 178 μm to 19 μm after four passes,and the distribution of grain is homogeneous.
出处 《锻压技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期149-154,共6页 Forging & Stamping Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51404151 51561010 51461018 51374145) 江西省科学院科研开发专项基金博士项目(2015-YYB-11) 江西省科学院协同创新专项普惠制一类项目(2015-XTPH1-11) 江西省自然科学基金重大项目(20144ACB20013) 江西省自然科学基金重点项目(20133BAB20008) 江西省国际科技合作项目(20151BDH80006) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2014M561466) 上海市博士后科研资助计划项目(14R21411000)
关键词 循环闭式模锻 反复塑性加工 Deform-3D数值模拟 温度场 应变场 流动场 应力场 cyclic closed-die forging repeated plastic processing Deform-3D numerical simulation temperature field strain field flow field stress field
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