The preparation, properties and preliminary application of near-infrared fluorescence magnetic doxorubicin-loading liposomes (LX-NFMSLs) was studied, in which near-infrared fluorescence magnetic liposomes act as a model carrier, doxorubicin (DOX) as an entrapment drug. Fe3O4 magnetic fluid was prepared by using co-precipitation method. The near-infrared CdSeTe quantum dots (CdSeTe QDs) were prepared by incorporating selenium ions into CdTe nanocrystals. DOX-NFMSLs were prepared by the thin-film dispersion method. Fluorescence spectrophotometry was used to examine the drug content, entrapment efficiency (EEl) and in vitro drug release of DOX-NMSLs. The killer activity of HepG2 cells and fluorescent imaging were detected by cytotoxicity test and cell imaging experiments. The CdSeTe QDs had a zinc-blende crystal structure with emission at 824 nm, and an average par- ticle size of about 5 nm The mean particle size of DOX-NFMSLs was 252. 9 nm, the Zeta potential was -48. 6 mV and they had near-infrared fluorescent emission (815 nm). The optimum recipe for preparation of DOX-NFMSLs was founded as.. liposome/Chol ratio 8 : 1 (m/m), DOX/liposome ratio 1 : 20 (m/m), with which the product's EE% was (74. 84±0. 89)%. The optimal tempera- ture of DOX release in vitro was 41℃ for DOX-NFMSLs. DOX-NFMSLs had antitumor efficacy in vitro and could be real-time ima- ged by near-infrared fluorescent microscope (cut-off filter of 800 nm). The data showed that DOX-NFMSLs have suitable tempera- ture of DOX release (T=41 ℃), good near-infrared fluorescence and magnetic property. After incubation with HepG2 cells, they realized near-infrared imaging and produced an anti-cancer effect. So DOX-NFMSLs open up new perspectives for near-infrared ima- ging and may aid in tumor detection as well as imaging-guided therapy.
Materials Reports