

Association between B - cell - specific Moloney routine leukemia virus integration site - 1 expression and clinical characteristics in colorectal cancer
摘要 目的探讨B细胞特异性莫洛尼小鼠白血病病毒结合位点-1(Bmi-1)在结直肠癌中的表达特征及临床意义。方法采用免疫组织化学染色法检测453例结直肠癌肿瘤组织及其配对的癌旁组织中Bmi-1蛋白的表达,并分析其与患者临床病理特征及预后的相关性。结果Bmi-1在结直肠癌组织中的中位H-score得分为87.5(0~270)分,在癌旁组织中为5(0~90)分,两者间差异有统计学意义(χ2=17.275,P=0.000)。Bmi-1在结直肠癌中的表达水平与患者性别、年龄、肿瘤大小、病理分级、临床分期、淋巴结转移、远处转移等差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。Bmi-1蛋白高表达者平均生存时间为51.0[95%可信区间(CI):46.7~54.4]个月,低表达者平均生存时间为55.6(52.1~59.1)个月,两者间差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.500,P=0.114)。结论Bmi-1在结直肠癌组织中表达显著高于癌旁组织,提示Bmi-1可能与胃癌的发生发展有关。 Objective To investigate B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site-1 (Bmi-1) expression and its prognostic significance in colorectal cancer.Methods Bmi-1 expression in tumor tissue and the corresponding tissue was detected using immunohistological staining. The correlations between Bmi-1 expression and clinicopathological characteristics and the survival time were analyzed. Results The median H-scores of Bmi-1 in colorectal cancer tissues and normal tissues were 87.5 (0-270) and 5 (0-90) respectively, with statistically significant difference (χ2=17.275, P=0.000). Bmi-1 expression in colorectal cancer tissues was not statistically associated with gender, age, tumor size, pathological grade, stage, lymph node metastasis or distant metastasis. The average survival time of patients with high and low Bmi-1 expression was 51.0 (46.7-54.4) and 55.6 (52.1-59.1) months respectively, with no statistically significant difference (χ2=2.500, P=0.114).Conclusion Bmi-1 expression in colorectal cancer tissue is significantly higher than that in corresponding normal tissue, indicating that Bmi-1 may be involved in the occurrence of colorectal cancer.
出处 《中华实验外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期24-26,共3页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2015BA112812) 国家自然科学基金(31570877、31570908、81171653) 国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金(31428005) 江苏省条件建设与民生科技专项资金(BL2014034) 常州市科技局基础应用项目(CJ20159018、CJ20159021)
关键词 B细胞特异性莫洛尼小鼠白血病病毒结合位点-1 结直肠癌 预后 B - cell - specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site - 1 Colorecta!cancer Prognosis
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