
Tbx18在生物起搏中的研究进展 被引量:2

Research progress of Tbx18 in biological pacemaker
摘要 电子起搏器自应用于临床拯救了无数生命,尽管其不断改进,但仍存在许多弊端,极大地促进了生物起搏器的发展。在过去10年,生物起搏器取得了显著的改善,窦房结发育的关键调控因子Tbx18能直接将心肌细胞转化为起搏样细胞发挥作用,取得了瞩目的成就,但仍遗留有与长期预后和安全相关的问题。文章对Tbx18在生物起博中研究进展进行综述。 Since its introduction into clinical practice , electronic pacing has saved many lives .Despite continuous improvements , electronic pacemakers have important shortcomings , which stimulated the development of biological alterna-tives.Over the past decade , significant improvements have been made in biological pacemakers , human embryonic transcrip-tion factor Tbx18 can directly convert ordinary ventricular cardiomyocytes into pacemaker cells and has made remarkable a -chievements ,but issues remain in relation to long term outcomes and safety .Whether biologicals will ultimately supplement or supplant electronics remains to be seen .This paper reviews the research progress of Tbx 18 in biological initiation .
作者 邹强 黄从新
出处 《疑难病杂志》 CAS 2017年第1期95-98,共4页 Chinese Journal of Difficult and Complicated Cases
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2042015kf0229 2042014kf0306)
关键词 窦房结 基因编程 生物起搏器 Tbx18 Sinoatrial node Gene programming Biological pacemaker Tbx18
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