

A Brief Discussion on Modelling Teaching in Kindergarten Mathematics Education
摘要 模式在幼儿园数学教育中的地位毋庸置疑,模式能力是幼儿数学认知能力的重要组成部分,对幼儿数学能力的发展有着重要的影响。但当前许多幼儿教师对模式及模式教学的认识和理解仍然存在诸多问题。幼儿教师应正确认识模式教育活动,明确模式教育活动的真正目标是丰富体验,提高能力;只有将基础打牢固,才能真正发展幼儿的模式能力;模式的学习要从生活中来,到生活中去。 Modelling plays an undoubtedly important role in kindergarten mathematics education, as modelling ability, an important component of children's mathematical cognitive ability, exerts great influence on children's development of mathematical ability. But currently, many kindergarten teachers still have vari- ous problems in understanding modelling and modelling education. Kindergarten teachers should have a clear knowledge of modelling education and make clear that the real purpose of modelling education is to enrich children's experience and improve their abilities. Only by laying a solid foundation can teach- ers truly develop children's modelling ability. Besides, modelling learning should come from life and then enter life.
作者 张苏颖
机构地区 长沙师范学院
出处 《科教文汇》 2017年第2期116-117,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
关键词 幼儿园 数学教育 模式教学 kindergarten mathematics education modelling teaching
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