目的:通过对我市学龄前儿童弱视进行眼部检查,了解目前我市学龄前儿童的弱视状况,为指导儿童视力保护、弱视预防工作等提供依据。方法:我院2010/2015年期间共计对成都市236 203名学龄儿童进行眼部常规视力检查,由我院专业眼科医师采用国际标准视力表执行本次研究调查,进行数据统计分析,了解受检学龄前儿童屈光异常和弱视状况。结果:受检儿童中有18.85%(44516/236203)显示为屈光异常,弱视率为6.12%(14453/236203);弱视类型中屈光参差性68.19%(9856/14453)明显高于其他类型比重,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);轻度弱视、中度弱视构成比分别为53.69%(7760/14453)、41.38%(5980/14453),均明显高于重度弱视构成比4.93%(713/14453);中心性注视弱视比重80.09%(11575/14453)明显高于非中心性、游走性弱视比重;受检儿童根据年龄分组,<5岁儿童弱视率5.48%(6254/114213)较≥5岁组弱视率5.33%(6499/121990)高,但二者相较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:我市学龄前儿童弱视类型以屈光参差性为主,轻中度弱视和中心性弱视患儿比重较大;应加强我市学龄前儿童的视力检查,做好弱视预防和早期治疗工作。
AIM:To investigate the situation of amblyopia in preschool children,and to provide evidence for the protection of visual acuity and prevention of amblyopia in children.METHODS:From 2010 to 2015,a total of 236 203 school aged children in our hospital in Chengdu were examined with routine visual acuity.This study was performed by the professional eye doctor in our hospital using the international standard visual acuity chart and statistically analyzed.RESULTS:There were 18.85%(44516/236203) of the subjects in the children with refractive errors,and the rate of amblyopia was 6.12%(14453/236203).In anisometropic amblyopia type the rate was 68.19%(9856/14453),significantly higher than the proportion of other types,and the difference was statistically significant(P〈0.05).The composition ratio of mild amblyopia and medium amblyopiawas 53.69%(7760/14453) and 41.38%(5 980/14 453),which were significantly higher than that of severe amblyopia constitute 4.93%(713/14453).Central monitor amblyopia proportion,80.09%(11 575/14453),was significantly higher than that of non center,and walk the proportion of amblyopia.The subjects were grouped according to their age.Amblyopia children who was 5 years old was 5.48%(6254/114213),higher than 5.33%(6499/121990) in≥5 years old amblyopia children,but the difference was not statistically significant(P〉0.05).CONCLUSION:School-age children with anisometropic amblyopia type constructed the main body of amblyopia children in our city.Mild to moderate amblyopia and the central vision amblyopia were large proportion of children with amblyopia.We should strengthen the visual inspection of school-age children in our city and do the work of prevention and early treatment of amblyopia.
International Eye Science
preschool children
refractive abnormality