

A Survey on Description Model of Software Component Extra-Functional Properties
摘要 非功能属性规约是构件技术研究的难点。属性本身的多样性及与系统其他元素较强的关联性,增加了规约体系建立的难度;同时,在复杂复用环境下属性数据的有效性、准确性难以保障。针对上述问题,将相关构件元素分解,降低系统复杂性,提出规范、统一的非功能属性描述模型;通过属性数据细化过程,提高属性数据准确性;通过继承策略保证数据的有效性。最后给出了多版本属性数据的筛选方法,并提供了具体实例。 The description of Extra-Functional Properties (EFPs) is a challenge in component research. The diversity of the EFPs and their relevance to other element of the system increase the difficulty of description. Meanwhile, it is not easy to guarantee the validity and accuracy of the attribute data. Taking the above issues into consideration, we resolved the element of component to decrease complexity of the system, and introduced a EFPs model, which is normative and uniform. The accuracy of the attribute data was increased through data refining, and the validity of the value was increased through values inherited. Finally, the method for selecting multiple attribute data was given with specific examples.
作者 李海文 南建国 黄雷 万明 LI Hai-wen NAN Jian-guo HUANG Lei WAN Ming(Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710038, China)
出处 《电光与控制》 北大核心 2017年第1期76-81,共6页 Electronics Optics & Control
关键词 非功能属性 软件复用 软件构件化开发 数据细化 extra-functional properties software reuse Component-Based Software Development (CBSD) data refining
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