

Research on Improvement of DV-Hop Localization Algorithm in WSN
摘要 DV-Hop定位算法是无线传感器网络重要定位算法.针对该算法在特定网络拓扑下误差较大的问题,从最短跳数信标节点的选取和平均每跳距离的计算两方面,对算法进行了改进.实验证明,改进后的算法有效降低了定位错误率,尤其对复杂拓扑的网络效果更优. DV-Hop localization algorithm is an important location algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks.To solve the problem of large error on specific network,an improved algorithm about selecting shortest hop beacon node and computing the average hop distance is proposed.The simulation results show that it is useful for reducing error rate of localization,and it is even better for complex network.
出处 《军械工程学院学报》 2016年第6期46-50,共5页 Journal of Ordnance Engineering College
关键词 WSN DV-HOP 定位精度 节点定位 WSN DV-Hop localization accuracy node localization
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