

Research on cylindrical permanent magnet adjustable speed drives based on Halbach
摘要 应用有限元仿真技术,对3种磁极排列和充磁方式对筒式永磁调速器转矩的影响进行研究,3种磁极排列和充磁方式分别为Halbach阵列M_2(极宽系数k=1)、Halbach阵列M_3(极宽系数k≠1)及传统磁极阵列M_1(径向充磁且极宽系数k=1)。结果表明,3种方式中,M_3具有最大的输出转矩,机械特性硬度也最大,具有较高的工作稳定性。在转差率3.5%时,M_3的输出转矩在k<3.2时随k的增大而增大;当k>3.2后,输出转矩逐渐减小,即输出转矩在k=3.2处取得最大值。当k变化在2.3~4时,输出转矩的波动范围不超过其最大值的1%。故在设计调速器时,M_3的极宽系数k≥2.3即可。 The influence of 3 kinds of pole array to output torque of cylindrical permanent magnet adjustable speed drives( CPMASD) was studied using finite element simulation technology. The 3 kinds of pole array are Halbach arrays M2 which Pole Width Coefficient( PWC) is k = 1,M3 which PWC is k≠1,and the traditional poles array M1 which is radial magnetized and PWC is k = 1 respectively. The result shows that M3 has the greatest torque,hardest mechanical properties and better working stability in the 3 kinds of pole array. When slip ratio is 3. 5%,the output torque of M3 increases with k if k 3. 2,and it decreases when k 3. 2,and at k = 3. 2,the output torque has the maximum value. When k changes in the range of 2. 3- 4,the variation range of output torque is no more than 1% of its maximum value. Therefore,when it is designed CPMASD,the coefficient of M3 is k≥2. 3.
出处 《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第1期103-106,113,共5页 Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science)
基金 河南省重点科技攻关项目(092102210358) 河南省教育厅自然科学基金资助项目(2010A440004)
关键词 筒式永磁调速器 HALBACH 有限元仿真技术 cylindrical permanent magnet adjustable speed drives Halbach finite element simulation technology
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