

CVD Growth of Novel Indium Nitride Nanomaterial
摘要 采用化学气相沉积法在p型硅衬底上制备具有纤锌矿结构的不同形貌的InN纳米材料,通过扫描电子显微镜和X射线衍射分析了InN纳米材料的形貌、元素组成及晶体结构,发现该材料具有纳米线、纳米叶、纳米项链3种结构,其中纳米叶是InN中的一种新型结构材料,且未见报道。能谱扫描检测确定氮铟原子质量比约为1:1.07。在室温下光致发光谱的测试中,经计算可得InN纳米材料的带隙为0.725eV,同时InN纳米叶的发光强度优于纳米线与纳米项链,表明新型纳米叶结构具有更优异的光学性能。 The growth of wurtzite InN nanomaterials on p- type silicon substrates was investigated by means of chemical vapor deposition,and the structure of InN nanoleaf had not been reported. Scanning electron microscopy and X- ray diffraction were used to analyze the morphology and the crystal structure of InN nano- materials. Simultaneously in order to study the composition of the sample,the energy dispersive spectro- scopy showed the atom mass ratio of In/ N was 1:1. 07. Finally,the room temperature photoluminescence spectrum of the samples showed that near band gap emissions of around 0. 725 e V,where the emission of InN nanoleaf compared to nanowire and nanonecklace was found to be stronger,indicating more wide application for novel InN nanoleaves respectively.
出处 《西南科技大学学报》 CAS 2016年第4期13-16,56,共5页 Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(51572230)
关键词 化学气相沉积法 InN纳米叶 晶体结构 光致发光谱 CVD InN Crystal structure Photoluminscence
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