

An Analysis of New Gothic Narrative in Chester Himes1 s The Big Gold Dream
摘要 在《大金梦》里,海姆斯从新哥特场景的戏仿、悬念与新哥特迷惘氛围的营造、反讽与新哥特心理氛围的生成三个方面建构起新哥特叙事,揭示了新哥特语境中人性之恶的叙事表征.他用新哥特式笔触展现人类生存的焦虑,勾画出-种人类反启示录式的黑暗想象,显示了人在危机中的创伤感、惊恐感、焦虑感以及对美好生活的渴望感.海姆斯把传统哥特元素与美国现实社会的文化语境有机地结合起来,使读者在阅读中品味人性之恶,然后从人性之恶的恐怖感知中净化自己的灵魂,达到-种心灵顿悟的“崇高”。 In The Big Gold Dream, Chester Himes creates a new Gothic narrative, disclosing the narra-tive characteristics of human evils in the study of the construction of new mimicking gothic scenes, the suspense in new gothic atmosphere and the ironies of new gothic psyche. By means of new gothic depic-tion, he demonstrates the anxiety of human beings, the dark imagination against enlightenment, the sen-ses of trauma, panic, worries, and expectation of a better life. He bases the traditional gothic splendors upon cultural contexts of American reality in a dynamic way, and enables readers to witness evils of hu-man nature in their reading, and then purify their souls after their comprehension of terrific human evils to reach sublimity through their spiritual insight.
作者 庞好农
出处 《烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期116-123,共8页 Journal of Yantai University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“非裔美国城市自然主义小说之性恶书写研究”(14BWW074) 上海市教委科研创新重点项目“赖特小说之性恶书写研究”(14ZS093).
关键词 切斯特·海姆斯 《大金梦》 新哥特叙事 Chester Himes The Big Gold Dream new Gothic narrative
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  • 3Burke, Edmund. A Philosophlcal Inquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. Ed. Adam Phillips. Oxford.. OUP, 1990.
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  • 6Fiedler, Leslie A. Love and Death in the American Novel. New York. Criterion, 1960.
  • 7Fleenor, Juliann. The Female Gothic. Montreal. E- den, 1983.
  • 8Freud, Sigmund. General Introduction to Psychoa- nalysis. Trans, Joan Riviere. New York.. Liveright, 1963.
  • 9Freud, Sigmund. New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis. Trans. James Strachey. New York.- Norton, 1990.
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