目的:探讨具有乙肝背景的肝细胞肝癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)患者射频消融术(radiofrequency ablation,RFA)术前血清乙型肝炎e抗原(HBeAg)水平与术后肿瘤复发的相关性。方法:回顾性分析2006年6月至2012年6月复旦大学附属中山医院收治的具有乙肝背景的小HCC行RFA治疗的391例患者的临床资料。根据术前HBeAg水平,将患者分为HBeAg阳性组(n=112)和HBeAg阴性组(n=279)。术后定期规律随访,分析RFA术前HBeAg水平和RFA术后肿瘤复发的相关性。结果:HBeAg阳性组术后中位无复发生存期(recurrence-free survival time,RFS)为(23.00±1.99)个月,HBeAg阴性组术后中位RFS为(31.00±3.49)个月,差异有统计学意义(P=0.002)。多因素Cox风险回归分析显示,术前甲胎蛋白(alpha fetal protein,AFP)水平(HR 1.393,95%CI 1.052-1.845,P=0.021)、血清HBV-DNA水平分级(HR 1.402,95%CI1.013-1.939,P=0.041)和HBeAg水平(HR 1.389,95%CI 1.017-1.896,P=0.039)是影响乙肝背景小HCC RFA术后无瘤生存时间的独立危险因素。结论:原发性HCC RFA术前血清HBeAg水平与术后肿瘤复发密切相关,是原发性HCC RFA术后复发的独立危险因素。
Objective : T o investigate the correlation betw een preoperative serum H B eA g level and tum or recurrencea fte r radiofrequency ablation ( R F A ) in patients w ith hepatocellular carcinom a ( H C C ). Methods: Clinical data of 391 casesw ith hepatitis B background of H C C underw ent R F A from Ju n e 2 006 to Ju n e 2 012 in Zhongshan H o sp ital, Fudan U niv ersityw ere analyzed retrospectively. A ccording to preoperative levels of H B e A g , patients w ere divided into H B eA g positive group( n = 1 1 2 ) and H B eA g negative group ( n = 2 7 9 ) , w ith regu lar follow ed-up after op eratio n T h e correlationship betw een H B eA gbefore R F A and tum or recurrence after R F A was analyzed. Results : T h e m edian recu rrence-free survival tim e ( R F S ) was(2 3 . 0 0 士 1. 9 9 ) m onths in H B eA g positive group, and the m edian R F S was (3 1 . 0 0 士3. 4 9 ) m onths in H B eA g negative group( P = 0 . 0 0 2 ). C ox proportional hazard reg ression analysis show ed that preoperative A F P level ( H R 139. 3 , 95 % C l 1. 0 5 2 1.8 4 5 , P = 0 , 0 2 1 ) , serum H B V -D N A level ( H R 1. 4 0 2 , 9 5 % C I 1. 0 1 3-1. 9 3 9 , P = 0 , 0 4 1 ) , and H B eA g levels ( H R 1. 3 8 9 ,9 5 % C I 1. 0 17-1. 8 9 6 , P = 0 . 0 3 9 ) w ere the independent risk facto rs for survival in hep atitis B background H C C patients afterR F A . Conclusions : Preop erative serum H B eA g level in p atients w ith prim ary H C C is closely related to postoperative tum orrecurrence. It is an independent risk facto r for recurrence of H C C after R F A .
Z H O U Y in g -tin g X I E X ia o -y in g G A N Y u -h o n g G E N in g -lin g C H E N Y i R E N Zheng-gang Z H A N G L an(Departm ent of L iver N eoplasm s, Zhongshan H o sp ital, Fudan U n iv ersity , Shanghai 2 0 0 0 3 2 , Chin)
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine
prim ary hepatocellular carcinom a
radiofrequency ab lation
H B eA g