
芝麻EMS诱变条件优化与突变体筛选 被引量:11

Optimization of EMS Mutagenesis Condition and Screening of Mutants in Sesame
摘要 为明确适于芝麻诱变的最佳甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)剂量和处理时间,创制优异芝麻突变体,采用0.1%~2.0%EMS浸泡处理芝麻91-0株系种子6~24 h,研究了EMS不同剂量和处理时间对芝麻突变体创制效率的影响。结果显示,0.1%EMS浸种24 h、0.5%EMS浸种24 h、1.0%EMS浸种12 h、1.5%EMS浸种6 h处理芝麻种子发芽势、发芽率为53.13%~90.17%,根长为0.30~2.00 cm,活力指数为18.53~131.00,适于芝麻诱变研究。2008—2010年,选用1.0%EMS浸种12 h优化条件先后处理芝麻91-0株系成熟种子7万粒,共获得M1代植株22 855份,成株率达到32.65%。对诱变株系及其后代叶型、株型、花器与育性、蒴果及粒型以及其他共5类24个田间农艺性状的调查结果表明,M1、M2代诱变率分别为7.60%、2.78%,M1、M2代株系发生的主要突变性状类型均为花器与育性类,比率分别为4.08%、0.93%。对831份突变体后代株系的农艺性状调查结果显示,后代中可稳定遗传的突变体比率为23.71%,主要突变类型为蒴果及粒型,占总调查株系的14.80%。研究表明,在1.0%EMS浸泡12 h诱变处理条件下,芝麻91-0株系发生可遗传突变的比率为0.80%。 In order to clarify the effects of EMS concentration and treat duration on sesame mutation efficiency, seeds of sesame line 91-0 were immersed in EMS solution with various concentrations from 0.1% to 2. 0% for 6 -24 h . T h e results showed that the treatments with 0.1% EMS for 24 h ,0. 5% E M S for 24 h ,1 . 0% EMS for 12 h and 1.5 % EMS for 6 h were appropriate for sesame mutagenesis. U n d e r the above treatment conditions,the seed germination potential and the germination rate ranged from 53. 13% to 90. 17% ,the root length varied from 0. 30 c m to 2. 00 c m , t h e average vigor index varied from 18. 53 to 131.00. To obtain abundant mutants,70 000 seeds of line 91-0 were treated under the optimal condition of 1.0% EMS for 12 h during 2008 -2010. A s a result, 22 855 mutated lines were harvested with the plant generation ratio of 32. 65% . During the mutagenesis investigation ,24 agronomic traits related to five groups of traits, i. e . leaf type, plant type, flower and fertility, capsule and seed characters and other physical traits for sesame were applied. Investigation results indicated that the mutation frequencies in M1 and M 2 generation were 7.60% and 2.78% Respectively. For and M 2 populations,flower and fertility were the top mutation trait type with the high ratios of 4. 08% and 0.93% , respectively. Further observation of 831 mutants randomly selected from the EMS mutant library reflected that 23.71% mutants stably descented the mutation traits in the progenies. The top mutated trait of the mutation type was capsule and seed characters, occupying or 14. 80% of the total investigated lines. Morphological variation results predicted that the mutation frequency of line 91-0 reached 0. 80% under 1. 0 % EMS for 12 h induction condition.
出处 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期36-41,共6页 Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences
基金 现代农业(芝麻)产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-15) 国家自然科学基金项目(31301653 31471537) 河南省科技创新人才计划项目(164200510001) 河南省重大科技专项(151100111200)
关键词 芝麻 甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS) 诱变 突变体库 频率 sesame (Sesamum indicum L . ) ethyl methanesulfonate ( EMS ) mutagenesis mutant library frequency
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