目的了解深圳市男男性行为者(MSM)肛交多性伴行为特征及影响因素。方法于2011-2015年应用滚雪球法和同伴推动抽样法,在深圳市招募3040名MSM为调查对象。采用一对一问卷调查方法收集其社会人口学特征、HIV检测史、近二年内献血史、药物滥用史、性取向、性角色、既往从事商业性服务工作、既往接受商业性服务史、最近半年内有无女性性伴等;采集静脉血5mL进行梅毒螺旋体抗体和抗-HIV检测。采用单因素和多因素非条件Logistic回归分析MSM肛交多性伴行为的影响因素。结果 2100名(69.08%)MSM报告最近半年内发生过多性伴肛交行为;梅毒、HIV、梅毒合并HIV感染率分别为18.29%、9.77%和5.07%。与单一性伴的MSM相比,有多性伴肛交行为的MSM梅毒感染率、HIV感染率以及梅毒合并HIV感染率较高,差异有统计学意义。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,婚姻状况、文化程度、HIV检测史、既往从事商业性服务工作、既往接受商业性服务、性角色,是MSM发生多性伴肛交行为的独立影响因素。结论深圳市MSM多性伴肛交行为普遍,影响因素众多,制订预防控制计划时需全方位考虑。
Objective To investigate the status and factors associated with multiple anal sexual partners among men who have sex with men(MSM)in Shenzhen.Methods Snowball sampling and respondent driven sampling were used to recruit MSM from 2011 to 2015in Shenzhen.Questionnaire-based interviews were conducted on a oneon-one basis.Data were collected including socio-demographic information,human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)testing history,history of blood donation and drug abuse in the recent two years,self-identified sexual orientation,role in homosexual behavior,ever being money boy(MB)and clients of MB,female sexual partners in the recent 6months.5ml blood samples were tested for treponema pallidum and HIV antibodies.Factors associated with multiple anal sexual partners were analyzed by the univariate logistic regression and multivariate unconditional logistic regression.Results Of the total 3040 MSM recruited,2100(69.08%)reported having multiple anal sexual partners in the recent 6months.The prevalence of syphilis,HIV,and syphilis-HIV co-infection were 18.29%,9.77%,and5.07%,respectively.Compared to MSM with single anal sexual partners,those with multiple anal sexual partners had significant higher prevalence of syphilis,HIV,and syphilis-HIV co-infection.The multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that marital status,education level,HIV testing history,ever being MB and clients of MB,role in homosexual were associated with MSM having multiple anal sexual partners.Conclusion Having multiple anal sexual partners is common among MSM in Shenzhen.Various factors are associated with MSM having multiple anal sexual partners.We need to consider those factors when designing syphilis/HIV prevention programs.
Cai Yumao Song Yajuan Hong Fuchang(Shenzhen Center for Chronic Disease Control and Prevention, Shenzhen 518020, Guangdong, China)
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD