对世界Al-Li合金工业的发展历程作了简要的回顾,对其现状作了较全面的阐述。美国、俄罗斯、法国是当今Al-Li合金研究、生产、应用大国与强国,美国铝业公司、肯联铝业公司与俄罗斯联合铝业公司是Al-Li合金领域三个又大又强的企业。截至2015年1月在美国铝业协会公司注册的Al-Li合金有26个。中国在Al-Li合金研发与材料生产方面与发达国家有较大的差距,制造大飞机C919用的Al-Li合金材料全是进口的。2015年全世界Al-Li合金材料的生产能力约35 kt/a,中国的生产能力约3 kt/a。
The development history of the global Al-Li alloy has been briefly reviewed, and the current situation fully expounded. The USA, Russia and France are qualitative and quan- titative powers in the research, production and application of Al-Li alloy. Alcoa, Constellium and UC Rusal are outstanding representatives in this area. As of January 2015,26 A1-Li al- loys have been registered in the Aluminum Association Inc. There exists a big gap for China to cover, compared with the research and material production of AI-Li alloy in developed countries. The Al-Li alloys that are used to make C919 big plane are all imported. In 2015, the global capacity of Al-Li alloy was about 35kt/a,yet China' s capacity of Al-Li alloy was about 3 kt/a.
Light Alloy Fabrication Technology