
基于LTE-A异构网络功率控制技术的研究 被引量:5

Research on power control technology based on LTE-A heterogeneous network
摘要 通过分析LTE-A异构网络的发展前景以及面临的挑战,对其中的功率控制技术进行了深入的研究,使其在不同的网络中提高通信质量。在LTE-A异构网络功率控制技术的研究中,通过基站分布和功率控制算法,主要采用混合功率控制模型HPC(hybrid power control),并使用非合作博弈论的方法,在寻求博弈平衡策略的过程中博弈各方都能达到最优解。在非合作博弈论纳什均衡的基础上,提出了改进使用斯坦克尔伯格求得SE均衡,并提出分布式混合功率控制迭代算法,用功率和定价的迭代来求得最优解的平衡。最后通过仿真,模拟基站和用户的分布,用迭代数和效用函数、发送功率的关系,来反映所使用的斯坦克尔伯格非合作博弈论求得的均衡解相对于纳什均衡能更好的实现公平降低干扰。 In this paper,we mainly study the power control technology by the analysis in the development prospects and challenges of LTE-A heterogeneous network.in order to improve the quality of communication in heterogeneous network.In the research on power control technology of LTE-A heterogeneous network.By the base station distribution and power control algorithm,mainly use the hybrid power control model,and adopt non-cooperative game theory method to obtained the optimal solution in the game balance.This research proposed Stackelberg to obtain SE equilibrium based on Nash equilibrium improvements,and puts forward the distributed hybrid power control iterative algorithm with the iteration of power and pricing to obtain the optimal balance solution.Finally the simulation,which simulate the distribution of base station and user,shows the result by iterative,untility function and transmit power.The result reflects that proposed Stackelberg equilibrium outperforms Nash equilibrium in addressing the fair and reducing interference.
作者 刘微 郁进明 穆欣 Liu Wei Yu Jinming Mu Xin(Dong Hua University, Shanghai 201620, China)
机构地区 东华大学
出处 《电子测量技术》 2016年第12期155-158,163,共5页 Electronic Measurement Technology
关键词 LTE-A异构网络 混合功率模型 非合作博弈论 斯坦克尔伯格 LTE-A heterogeneous network hybrid power control model non-cooperative game theory Stackelberg equilibrium
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