
不同年龄段正畸初诊患者颞下颌关节结构分析 被引量:12

Analysis of temporomandibular joint structural abnormalities in orthodontic patients of different age stage
摘要 目的:探讨不同年龄阶段正畸初诊患者颞下颌关节结构的异常情况。方法:选取301例患者为受试对象,其中男性97例,女性204例,按年龄分成5组:10-34岁,10-14岁组,15-19岁组,20-24岁组,25-29岁组,30-34岁组,常规拍摄头颅定位正侧位片,口内全景X线片及颞下颌关节开闭口斜矢状位磁共振,并对关节结构情况进行观察,其结果采用SPSS 17.0进行统计学分析。结果:301例患者中,10-14岁组58例,正常35例,异常23例,异常率39.66%;15-19岁组77例,正常20例,异常57例,异常率74.03%;20-24岁组92例,正常22例,异常70例,异常率76.09%;25-29岁组57例,正常20例,异常37例,异常率64.91%;30-34岁组17例,正常5例,异常12例,异常率70.59%;结论:成年人颞下颌关节结构异常发生率显著高于10-14岁年龄组,15-19岁为高发阶段,20岁以后发病率基本稳定。 Objective: o analyze TMJ structure problems in orthodontic patients of dif erent age stage. Methods: 301 orthodontic patients were randomly selected in our department during the recent 2 years, including 97 males and 204 females, aged from 10 to 34 years old. Divided by age into 5 teams, 10-14 years team, 15-19 years team, 20-24 years team, 25-29 years team, and 30-34 years team. X-ray and MRI on TMJ of both sides were used to analyze TMJ structure problems. The results were analyzed with SPSS 17.0. Results: Of all 301 patients, 58 patients were in the 10-14 years team, 35 normal and 23 abnormal, abnormal ratio was 39.66%. 77 patients were in the 15-19 years team, 20 normal and 57 abnormal, abnormal ratio was 74.03%. 92 patients were in the 20-24 years team, 22 normal and 70 abnormal, abnormal ratio was 76.09%. 57 patients were in the 25-29 years team, 20 normal and 37 abnormal, abnormal ratio was 64.91%. 17 patients were in the 30-34 years team, 5 normal and 12 abnormal, abnormal ratio was 70.59%. Conclusion: TMJ structure abnormal ratio of the adult patients was signii cantly higher than that of the 10-14 years team. The range of 15-19 years was the high-risk stage and after the age of 20, the incidence of the disease is basically stable.
出处 《口腔颌面修复学杂志》 2016年第6期338-341,共4页 Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics
基金 国家自然科学基金(项目编号:81371178) 上海交通大学医工交叉基金(项目编号:YG2015MS23)
关键词 正畸治疗 颞下颌关节 结构异常 orthodontic treatment temporomandibular joint structural abnormalities
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