
开放远程教育未来领导力与创新 被引量:4

Leadership and Innovation for the Future of ODL
摘要 在线学习、开放教育资源和大规模开放在线课程(MOOCs)的惊人增长正前所未有地影响着开放远程教育。然而,除少数例外,大多数开放远程教育机构在》个过程中并未发挥领导作用,而是在一个安全距离之外静观其变。但是,随着竞争和整合的加剧,开放远程教育机构不能再袖手旁观了。这些变化最初为什么会发生?除教学功能外,开放远程教育机构在研究和社会服务功能方面做得如何?开放远程教育机构的创新能使三个功能有效整合。开放远程教育的未来是什么?第一,远程教育不再是开放远程教育机构的特权。未来可以使开放教育机构脱颖而出的是相对于其他教育提供者的封闭,开放远程教育机构更"开放"。第二,开放远程教育的未来与技术紧密相连,它的成功将取决于如何有效地利用技术为人和教育服务。第三,国际社会确定了17项全球可持续发展目标,其中第4项着眼于教育,旨在2030年前"确保全纳、公平的优质教育,促进全民享有终身学习机会"。开放远程教育将有更广泛的内涵,不仅在教育机会的开放,而且在发展目标的实现方面都将发挥更重要的作用。我们需要的是创新以及技术应用的新方法。什么将推动这一创新?领导力将是最关键的决定因素。它是"创新领导力",还是"领导力创新",又或是两者的结合?到目前为止,人们依然认为那些被赋予领导责任的人自然是高效的领导者。开放远程教育机构几乎不在领导力发展方面进行任何投资。哪些能力是促进未来开放远程教育发展所必须的?如何发展这些能力?本文将探讨这些问题,并提出培养开放远程教育新一代创新型领导人才的路线图。 The phenomenal growth of online learning,Open Educational Resources(OER) and Massive Open Online Courses(MOOCs) are disrupting Open and Distance Learning(ODL) as never before.Instead of playing a leadership role,most ODL institutions,with a few exceptions,have watched these developments from a safe distance.But with more competition and convergence,ODL institutions can no longer afford to wait and watch.But why did this happen in the first place? In addition to their teaching role,how adept have ODL institutions been in their research and outreach functions? Innovation in an ODL institution would mean an effective blending of these three roles.What is the future of ODL? One,distance education is no longer the prerogative of ODL institutions.But what can distinguish the ODL institutions of the future is their degree of openness ' as opposed to the closure of many other providers.Two,the future of ODL institutions is closely tied to the future of technology and success will depend on how it can be effectively harnessed in the interests of people and pedagogy.Three,the international community has identified 17 Sustainable Development Goals of which Goal 4 focuses on education.The objective of this Goal is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all' by 2030.Open and distance learning will have a wider definition and a more important role to play in not only opening up access to education but also in achieving development goals.What we need is innovation and alternative approaches using technology.What will drive this innovation? Leadership will be the most crucial determining factor.Would it be innovative leadership ' or leadership for innovation' or a combination of both? So far it has been assumed that those assigned positions of authority will automatically be effective leaders.ODL institutions have hardly invested in leadership development.What are the leadership skills that will be required for securing the future of ODL? How will these skills be developed'!.This presentation will explore these questions and propose a roadmap for creating a new generation of innovative leaders in ODL.
作者 阿莎.坎瓦尔 郭可慧 Asha S. Kanwar(Commwealth of Learning, Canad)
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期16-20,共5页 Open Education Research
关键词 开放远程教育 教育技术 在线学习 领导力 open and distance education educational technology online learning leadership
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