A K-tier uplink heterogeneous cellular network is modelled and analysed by accounting for both truncated channel inversion power control and biased user association. Each user has a maximum transmit power constraint and transmits data when it has sufficient transmit power to perform channel inversion. With biased user association, each user is associated with a base station(BS) that provides the maximum received power weighted by a bias factor, but not their nearest BS. Stochastic geometry is used to evaluate the performances of the proposed system model in terms of the outage probability and ergodic rate for each tier as functions of the biased and power control parameters. Simulations validate our analytical derivations. Numerical results show that there exists a trade-off introduced by the power cut-off threshold and the maximum user transmit power constraint. When the maximum user transmit power becomes a binding constraint, the overall performance is independent of BS densities. In addition, we have shown that it is beneficial for the outage and rate performances by optimizing different network parameters such as the power cut-off threshold as well as the biased factors.
A K-tier uplink heterogeneous cellular network is modelled and analysed by accounting for both truncated channel inversion power control and biased user association. Each user has a maximum transmit power constraint and transmits data when it has sufficient transmit power to perform channel inversion. With biased user association, each user is associated with a base station(BS) that provides the maximum received power weighted by a bias factor, but not their nearest BS. Stochastic geometry is used to evaluate the performances of the proposed system model in terms of the outage probability and ergodic rate for each tier as functions of the biased and power control parameters. Simulations validate our analytical derivations. Numerical results show that there exists a trade-off introduced by the power cut-off threshold and the maximum user transmit power constraint. When the maximum user transmit power becomes a binding constraint, the overall performance is independent of BS densities. In addition, we have shown that it is beneficial for the outage and rate performances by optimizing different network parameters such as the power cut-off threshold as well as the biased factors.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61401225, 61571234)
the National Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20140894, BK20140883, BK20160899)
the Six Talented Eminence Foundation of Jiangsu Province (XYDXXJS-044)
the National Science Foundation of the Higher Education Institutions of Jiangsu Province (14KJD510007, 16KJB510035)
the Jiangsu Planned Projects for Postdoctoral Research Funds (1501125B)
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project (2015M581844)
the Introduction of Talent Scientific Research Fund of Nanjing University of Posts Telecommunications project (NY213104, NY214190)