
慢性踝关节不稳诊断与治疗的研究进展 被引量:14

Progress on diagnosis and treatment for chronic ankle instability
摘要 慢性踝关节不稳常由急性踝关节扭伤漏诊或者治疗不当所致,可以导致局部长期疼痛,继发踝关节创伤性关节炎甚至功能障碍等一系列问题,是种常见但治疗相对棘手的疾病。但是对于其诊断与治疗尚没有统一的标准。应力下X线、MRI及超声等检查方式众多,哪种才是疾病诊断过程中的首选或是金标准。在疾病的治疗过程中,手术是治疗严重踝关节不稳的主要手段,但现有的手术方式疗效差别较大,理念也不尽一致,使临床医师选择手术方式时存在较大的困惑。近年来文献报道的手术治疗方式已由原有的非解剖重建逐渐向原位解剖重建转变。 Chronic ankle instability is a common disease which is caused by missed diagnosis or inappropriate treatment of acute ankle sprain. It could lead to long term pain,traumatic arthritis and malfunctions. While the consistent standard for its diagnosis and treatment has not yet formed. There are a lot of inspection items,such as X ray,MRI,B ultrasoud. For the treatment of CAI,surgery is the primary method for treatment of chronic ankle instability,but clinicians may be confused with variety operation ways,which were reported with different clinical efficacy. In recent years,the non-anatomical repair has been turn to anatomy reconstruction in the surgical treatment of CAI.
出处 《中国骨伤》 CAS 2016年第12期1160-1163,共4页 China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
基金 2015全军十二五面上项目(编号:CSY15J001)~~
关键词 踝关节 关节不稳定性 综述文献 Ankle Joint Joint instability Review literature
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