
透视美国国家教育技术计划二十年历史变迁之路 被引量:8

The Perspective of Twenty Years' Changes of the National Education Technology Plan of America
摘要 国家教育技术计划在美国已推行二十年、历经五个版本,在美国教育的发展与改革中发挥了重大导向作用。该文主要采用文件属性计量分析、话语分析和内容定量分析等政策文本分析方法,探究美国国家教育技术计划各版本之间的差异与联系,发掘其历史变迁轨迹。研究表明,美国国家教育技术计划的主题受到总统教育理念、教育技术办公室负责人观念、法律政策变更等因素影响。框架变化表现为由技术时代问题解决转向国家教育行动纲领。内容变化表现为五点:一是设计范畴在学习者视角下从技术实践到绩效改进;二是开发范畴在技术支持下从加深知识理解到提供真实学习体验;三是利用范畴在法律与政策约束下从多媒体教学到富技术混合学习;四是管理范畴在顶层设计框架下从教育生产力提升到教育领导力革新;五是评价范畴在技术与标准推动下从纸笔总结性评价到数字过程性评价。 National Education Technology Plan(NETP) has been implemented for 20 years in the United States, and it's already had five versions. NETP has played a significant role in the development and reform of American education. From the theme, framework and content of three perspectives, this paper explored the differences and connections between the various versions of the NETP and rationalized history change trajectory of NETP by using the Analysis of Public Policy Texts such as file attribute measurement analysis, discourse analysis and content quantitative analysis. Research showed that the themes of the NETP are influenced by the president's educational idea, the president of the Office of Education Technology and the changes of law and policy; the framework of the NETP shifted from "Problem solving in the technology era" to "the Action of National Education Programme"; and there are five aspects in the change of content: first, the design category shifted from "Technical Practice" to "Performance Improvement" under the perspective of learners; Second, the development category shifted from "Deepening the Understanding of Knowledge" to "Provide a Real Learning Experience" under the technical support; Third, the utilization category shifted from "Multimedia Teaching" to "Blended Learning with Technology-Savvy" under the restriction of law and policy; Fourth, the management category shifted from "Education Productivity" to "Educational Leadership Innovation" under the top-level design framework; Fifth, the evaluation category shifted from the "Summary Evaluation of Paper" to "Digital Process Evaluation" under the promotion of the technology and standards.
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期132-139,共8页 China Educational Technology
基金 安徽省哲学社会科学规划项目"区域基础教育信息化均衡发展政策研究"(项目编号:AHSK11-2D147) 安徽省高校优秀青年人才支持计划重点项目(项目编号:gxyq ZD2016016) 安徽省教育科学规划项目"基于Web2.0的教育信息资源建设研究"(项目编号:JG11019)研究成果
关键词 国家教育技术计划 教育技术 政策文本分析 National Education Technology Plan Education Technology Analysis of Public Policy Texts
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  • 4Top-down and bottom-up design [EB/OL]. (2003-10-11) [2009-06-09].http://www.answers.eondopidtop-down-and- bottom-up-design.
  • 5[1]美国教育数据中心(NCES).Internet Access in U.S.Public Schools and Classrooms:1994-2000[R].2.
  • 6[18]英文名称为"Competitive Neutrality",这里的意思是"universal service support mechanisms and rules neither unfairly advantage nor disadvantage one provider over another, and neither unfairly favor nor disfavor one technology over another". 通过这个原则, 将"to facilitate a market- based process whereby each user comes to be served by the most efficient technology and carrier".
  • 7[19]英文名称为"Forward-Looking Economic Cost Mechanism".
  • 8[21]这8个服务是"single - party service; voice grade access to the public switched network; DTMF signaling or its functional equivalent; access to emergency services; access to operator services; access to interexchange service; access to directory assistance; and toll limitation services for qualifying low- income consumers".
  • 9[22]几个影响因素主要有"subscribershiplevel,local calling area,consumerincomelevels,cost of living and population density,legitimate local variations in rate design"等.
  • 10[DB/OL].http://www.ed.gov/technology/netp-2010.











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