"Traditional Chinese learning" has become a popular term in current society, but it has always been understood in the wrong way. Some treat it as reading classical works;some others regard it as learning ancient Chinese texts;still some others refer to it all imitations of ancient worshiping and sacrificing ceremonies;and still some others consider it as reciting ancient children's morality works. It is apparent the concept has been abused, having hence no doubt caused some who are true scholars in this area to claim to abandon the notion. Nevertheless, the issue is associated with the inheritance of the Chinese culture and ideology, as well as the understanding and continuation of the classical texts, which are important concern for the development. From its origin, the term has witnessed changes from its beginning when it was created. That is,in ancient China,the term,which may either refer to education system or the content,is related to royal courts,and such notions cannot be used today. At the turning from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century,"traditional Chinese learning" was set contrary to "blind westernization" and hence became an academic advocating, which has an explicit modern awareness and the characteristic of making the past serve the present. It is on this condition that traditional Chinese learning is based for its modernization. In that regard, the academic ideas and characteristics of the initiator of traditional Chinese learning modernization,Sir ZHANG Tai-yan, should be much appreciated. Since the new situation of the 21st century and the environment of information society have had a tremendous change ever since, the traditional Chinese learning in Sir ZHANG's sense should be further developed. The abuses of the term to appeal to ancient meanings must be stopped and the one-sided view that "inheritances have no sense of good or bad" should be eradicated. In other words,a new approach should be taken to meet the requirements of the new times.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
traditional Chinese learning
the school of quintessence of Chinese culture
ZHANG Tai-yan