
医院淡化编制管理背景下编制内外人员工作满意度调查 被引量:2

Survey on the job satisfaction among the staff in the dilution situation of the hospital staffing management
摘要 以明尼苏达满意度短式量表为基础,增加“综合满意度评价”指标,调查某高校附属医院在淡化编制管理背景下编制内外人员的工作满意度现状,寻找影响满意度差异的关键因素。考虑医院现有人员规模、是否在编、工作岗位等因素,采用整群随机抽样的方法,进行现场问卷调查,对收集到的数据进行统计分析。结果表明,编制内外人员满意度均较高,其中编外人员的总体满意度、对领导的满意度及自身责任感高于编内人员;不同编制女性工作人员的总体满意度存在显著性差异,且编外人员满意度较高。提示在探索新的人力资源管理方式,灵活用人机制方面,应考虑不同群体差异进行有针对性的管理,使人力资源改革逐步深入。 To explore the status of the job satisfaction of the authorized and contract staff in a university affiliated hospital in the dilution situation of the hospital staffing management, and to discuss the key factors and reasons affecting the satisfaction difference. The questionnaire was developed based on Minnesota Satisfaction short form with extra items covering “the comprehensive satisfaction evaluation”. According to the hospital population of staff, the cluster random sampling method was used, and survey was conducted on the spot. Both authorized staff and the contract staff showed high degree of satisfaction. But the contract staff showed higher degree of satisfaction of leadership and their own responsibility sense than the authorized staff. The contract female staff showed higher degree of overall satisfaction than the authorized female staff. The discussion based on the results showed that new human resource management mode, new mechanism of flexible management of staff, targeted staff with targeted management.
出处 《国际中医中药杂志》 2017年第1期1-4,共4页 International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 医院 人力资源管理 医务工作者的态度 满意度 Hospital Crew resource management Attitude of health personnel Satisfaction
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