
悬浮填料用于黑水处理的生物硝化反硝化性能研究 被引量:6

Research on Nitrification and Denitrification Performance of Suspended Carriers Treating Black Water
摘要 利用已经挂膜成熟的悬浮填料生物膜反应器处理黑水,小试研究了4种比表面积的悬浮填料在不同HRT和进水负荷率条件下的生物膜量、有机物去除规律、生物硝化和反硝化特性。研究表明,在填料投配率为30%、溶解氧含量控制在1.5~2.5 mg/L、水温维持在(28±2)℃时,单位反应器容积内填料附着的生物膜量随HRT的减小和进水SCOD负荷率的增加而增加;悬浮填料生物反应器的有机物去除效果、硝化效率与HRT、填料的比表面积等关联度不明显,TN的去除率基本随HRT的减小而降低;各反应器的出水NO^-_2-N比例稳定在90%左右,均发生了明显的短程硝化现象,主要是碱度不足所引起。悬浮填料的最大生物硝化速率为1.87~4.40 g/(m^2·d)、最大反硝化速率为1.03~2.33 g/(m^2·d)。 Four suspended carrier biofilm reactors(SCBR) with mature biofilm were used to treat black water, which focused on observing the effects of HRTand influent pollutant loading to the biomass, pollutant removal efficiency, nitrification and denitrification characteristics of the suspended carriers. The results showed: under the condition of filling ratio 30%, dissolved oxygen between 1.5 mg/L to 2.5 mg/L and temperature 28±2℃, the biofilm mass of the reactor was increased with the reducing of HRT and the increase of SCOD loading rate. The organic removal efficiency and nitrification efficiency of SCBR had little relationship with hydraulic retention time (HRT) and specific surface area of the carrier; Denitrification efficiency decreased with the decrease of HRT.The proportion of NOi-N in the effluent of each reactor was stable at about 90%, and obvious shortcut nitrification was observed, which was mainly caused by the deficiency of alkalinity.Under the experimental conditions, the maximum nitrification rate of four suspended carder variesl.87-4.40 g/(m2·d), the maximum denitrification rate varies 1.03~2.33 g/(m2·d).
作者 陈同辉 陈伟华 陈洪斌 戴晓虎 丁扣林 CHEN Tonghui CHEN Weihua CHEN Hongbin DAI Xiaohu DING Koulin(College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, Chino GuangdongXindu Environment Co.Ltd, Guangzhou 510627, China)
出处 《水处理技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期107-111,共5页 Technology of Water Treatment
基金 国家"十二五"水体污染与治理专项课题(2012ZX07318-002) 科技部国际合作重点课题(2014DFA91650)
关键词 悬浮填料 HRT 比表面积 硝化速率 短程硝化 suspended carrier HRT specific surface area nitrification rate short-cut nitrification
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