
美国NAEP艺术教育评价研究述评及启示 被引量:2

Review and Inspiration of American NAEP Art Education Evaluation
摘要 自1969以来,NAEP的主评价已经定期在阅读、数学、写作、科学、美国历史、公民、地理、艺术和其他学科中进行,2008年NAEP艺术评价标志着第四次音乐和视觉艺术的学科评价在全美范围内展开,本次评价旨在描述艺术学科中,了解学生当前的学习状况,在音乐和视觉艺术学科领域学生"知道什么"以及"能够做什么"。美国NAEP艺术评价鼓励学生创新,同时也将测评题目做得清晰和相对标准化,测评的目的是为了诱发学生的表现力和创造力,同时测评任务也给学生指明了清晰的方向。NAEP艺术评价指出有意义的评价应该是建立在三个指标——创造、表演和反应上,依据指标制定了评价标准和评价方法,对我国基础艺术教育质量监测具有重要启示。 Since 1969, NAEP assessments have been conducted periodically in reading, mathematics, science, writing, U.S. history, civics, geography, the arts, and other subjects. The inclusion of the arts in NAEP 2008 marked the fourth time the disciplines of music and visual arts have been assessed nationally. According to the framework of arts, understand the status of the current learning, what students know and can do in the arts. NAEP evaluation of the United States to encourage students to innovate, but also to do a clear and relatively standardized assessment of the subject, one of the purposes of evaluation is to induce students to express their creativity and creativity, but the assessment task to students also pointed out a clear direction. NAEP art evaluation pointed out that meaningful evaluation should be based on three indicators: "creation, performance and response", Based on the indicators, evaluation criteria and evaluation methods were developed .This is an important enlightenment to the quality monitoring of basic art education in China.
作者 张旭东
出处 《外国中小学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期28-36,共9页 Primary & Secondary Schooling Abroad
基金 国家社科基金全国教育科学"十二五"规划国家一般课题"数字化时代下中小学生艺术学习能力测评研究"(课题号:BLA130105)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 美国 NAEP 艺术评价 艺术框架 America NAEP arts assessment arts framework
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