目的分析郑州市2012-2015年手足口病流行特征,为今后制定手足口病防控规划和对策提供科学依据。方法运用描述流行病学方法对郑州市2012-2015年手足口病疫情资料进行分析。结果 2012-2015年郑州市报告手足口病病例65 364例,年均报告发病率为196.99/10万;男女性别比为1.50∶1;4~7月病例数占发病总数的70.51%;手足口病的人群特征为3岁及以下儿童高发,占发病总数的65.15%;散居儿童、幼托儿童病例数分别占发病总数的77.19%、20.85%。病原学监测结果肠道病毒EV 71型感染占20.74%,Cox A16型感染占46.28%。结论手足口病的高危人群为散居儿童和幼托儿童,应强化开展对社区和托幼机构的手足部防控工作,有效应对聚集性疫情。
Objective Analysis of the characteristics and tendency of the HFMD in years from 2012 to 2015,in order to provide a scientific basis for the strategy establishment and the implementation of preventive and cure. Methods Use the representation of epidemiology to analysis of the epidemic situation information of HFMD from 2012 to 2015. Results In years from 2012 to 2015 in Zhengzhou City,report on 65 364 cases of HFMD,the average annual incidence is 196. 99 per 100 000; the male to female ratio of the cases was 1. 50∶ 1; the 70. 51% of total cases in Zhengzhou were occurred from May to July; the 65. 15% of total cases most were under 3 years old; scattered children constituted about 77. 19% of the total cases and kindergarten children accounted for 20. 85%. The positive rates of EV 71 and Cox A16 in pathogen detection were 20. 74% and 46. 28%. Conclusion HFMD in high- risk population were scattered children and kindergartens,and the preventive measures in community and nurseries should be enhanced to prevent the outbreak.
Journal of Medical Pest Control