
新生儿脐血维生素D水平与IgE水平的相关性研究 被引量:5

Correlation study on newborn cord blood 25(OH)D and IgE levels
摘要 目的了解新生儿脐血维生素D水平及其与IgE水平的相关性。方法测定185名新生儿脐血25-羟维生素D[25(OH)D]及总IgE值;采用问卷调查形式收集孕妇的健康状况及新生儿出生史;跟踪随访新生儿一年,了解其在随访期限内过敏性疾病发作情况。结果新生儿脐血25(OH)D平均浓度为(49.63±16.56)nmol/L,中位数49.50nmol/L;脐血总IgE平均水平为(513.85±116.54)U/L;随访期限内共有38名婴儿有过敏状况发生;过敏组新生儿脐血25(OH)D水平(38.88±12.33)nmol/L,非过敏组新生儿脐血25(OH)D水平(52.41±16.41)nmol/L,两组对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);过敏组新生儿脐血IgE水平为(574.13±109.86)U/L,非过敏组新生儿脐血IgE水平(498.27±113.44)U/L,两组对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);采用多因素方差分析表明,家族过敏史与出生时脐血25(OH)D水平对脐血IgE水平产生影响(P<0.05);回归分析表明脐血25(OH)D水平与脐血IgE水平呈线性负相关(r2=0.576,P<0.05)。结论脐血维生素D水平与IgE水平呈负相关,脐血维生素D水平的降低可能是生后一年内婴儿过敏症发生的危险因素。 Objective To study the correlation of newborn cord blood 25(OH)D and total IgE levels. Method Cord blood 25(OH)D and total IgE levels were measured in 185 newborns.The health status of pregnant women and history of newborn birth were recorded by questionnaires;The status of offspring allergy was evaluated at approximately 1year. Results The average and median value of 25(OH)D levels were(49.63±16.56)nmol/L and 49.50nmol/L;The average value of IgE level was(513.85±116.54)U/L;38infants experienced allergy at follow-up;Cord blood 25(OH)D level in allergic infants was(38.88±12.33)nmol/L,and(52.41±16.41)nmol/L in non-allergic infants,there was significant difference between them(P〈0.05);Cord blood total IgE level in allergic infants was higher than non-allergic infants(P〈0.05);Family history of allergy and cord blood 25(OH)D level had association with cord blood total IgE level by Univariate analysis;Cord blood 25(OH)D level was inversely associated with total IgE level(r^2=0.576,P〈0.05). Conclusion Cord blood 25(OH)D level has an negative association with total IgE and reduced vitamin D level in cord blood would be a risk factor for the development of allergy in the first year of life.
出处 《中国儿童保健杂志》 CAS 2017年第2期124-127,共4页 Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
基金 南京市卫生局医学科学发展项目(YKK13201)
关键词 25-羟维生素D IGE 脐血 过敏 25(OH)D IgE cord blood allergy
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