

Franz Rosenzweig's “The New Thinking” and the Quarrel of “Ancient-Modern and Chinese-Western”
摘要 罗森茨威格在《救赎之星》中提出了"新思"观念。这一思想的提出受到罗森茨威格一战参战经验的激发、非理性主义思潮的影响和个体信仰经验的支撑。在哲学前提和对"启示"理解两方面,新思与旧思之间存在根本性不同:旧思的起点是存在和有,新思则从先于理性的存在(知识之无)出发;旧思崇尚"一"与不变,试图用观念的"全"来统摄一切,新思则从时间性的生存体验出发,肯定了多样性和生成变化的真实;旧思把上帝视为远离人的生存经验的观念他者,新思则把上帝视为在人的灵魂里与人相遇、不断启示更新并引人走向救赎的永恒的你。尽管罗氏的新思带有浓厚的黑格尔式旧思烙印,它所希冀重返的犹太正统亦是受到启蒙思潮修正了的"犹太正统",但是,廓清罗氏复返犹太正统的哲学努力,对我们当下复返中国传统、重思古今中西之争仍具重要的启发意义。 Western philosophy has more than one source. The first one emphasizes the tradition of consistency among changes that comes from Parmenides, is further developed and advanced by Plato, Aristotle, Spinoza, Kant, and Hegel. The second one emphasizes the tradition of life and its growth that starts from Heraclitus, and has its revival in Nietzsche and Heidegger. Although Rosenzweig^s thought is based on Hegel's philosophy, but he puts forward the new thinking against the old thinking by virtue of Jewish faith experience and the philosophy of Kierkegaardand Nietzsche. Therefore, fundamentally, Rosenzweig's reflection and reconstruction on the philosophical foundations could be hailed as "the question of the Heidegger" in the field of faith. Considering the content, there are fundamentally differences between Rosenzweig's new thought and the old thought. Firstly, the start point of the old thought is Being and the start point of the new thought is nothingness of knowledge which is prior to ration. Secondly, the basis of the old thought is "the One" and immutability, and the new thought affirms the diversity and changes in terms of timeliness existence experience. Thirdly, God is conceptually "the Other" far away from people's life experience in the old thought, but God is a You of revelation and salvation to meet us in our soul in the new thought. However, Rosenzweig's new thought has limitations that can not be ignored. For example, it's methodology is Hegel's concept of dialectics, and it feeds on atomized individual as the premise of his thought, and he tries to gain a rivival of Jewish orthodox that is impressed by the enlightenment thoughts. In this sense, Strauss thinks that Rosenzweig new thinking is the seed of old thinking. It is of significance to return Chinese traditional and the quarrel of "the ancient vs. the modern and the Chinese vs. the western" from Rosenzweig's new thinking, e. g. , the renaissance of Chinese traditional should fully learn from the western philosophy, and on the basis of the experience of modern Chinese. At last we have to understand deeply to the crisis of modernity while we revival Chinese tradition.
作者 高山奎
出处 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期115-125,共11页 Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(13CZX061) 第59批中国博士后科学基金面上资助(2016M591610)
关键词 罗森茨威格 救赎之星 新思维 旧思维 海德格尔 Franz Rosenzweig The Star of Redemption The New Thinking The Old Thinking Martin Heidegger
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