
深圳市小学生手足口病的影响因素及logistic回归分析 被引量:2

Logistic-Analysis on Risk Factors of Hand-Foot-Mouth Diseases among Elementayt in Shenzhen
摘要 目的探讨深圳市小学生手足口病(hand-foot-mouth disease,HFMD)的影响因素并采用logistic对其进行回归分析。方法随机选取HFMD患儿68例为HFMD组,另选取56例同期健康儿童为对照组。采用单因素和logistic分析法分析深圳市小学生HFMD的影响因素。结果 HFMD组患儿在年龄、性别、家族HFMD病史、皮疹病史、饭前便后不洗手、有吸吮手指或咬玩具习惯、1周内去过人口密集场所、1周内接触过HFMD患者、家庭儿童数大于1和流动人口等的患儿比例均较高。进一步logistic分析结果显示,深圳市小儿HFMD的独立危险因素有家族HFMD病史、皮疹病史、洗手和用手习惯、去人口密集场所、手足口病患者接触史、家庭儿童数和流动人口等。结论家族HFMD病史及皮疹病史、不良的洗手和用手习惯、经常去人口密集场所、有手足口病患者接触史、家庭儿童数大于1和流动人口是HFMD的危险因素,了解其危险因素并制定相应预防和治疗护理方案,对防治和护理HFMD具有重要意义。 OBJECTIVE Use Logistic-analysis to study the risk factors on foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Shenzhen. METHODS 68 cases of children with HFMD were randomly selected as HFMD group, 56 cases healthy children were randomly selected as con- trol group. The risk factors of HFMD in Shenzhen were analyzed by single factor analysis and Logistic analysis.RESULTS The propor- tion of children in HFMD groups in age, gender, familyHFMD and skin rashes history, don't wash their hands before the meal orafter using the bathroom, thumb sucking habits or bite toys, have been to the densely populated places within 1 week, in contact with HFMD patients in lweek, families' children number was abore 1, the floating population were higher than that in control group. Further Logistic analysis results show that the independent risk factors of children with HFMD in Shenzhen city have family history of skin rashes and HFMD, don'not wash the hand before meal or after use bathroom, contact to the densely populated place and HFMD patients in 1 week, the number of family children and floating population.CONCLUSION family history of family history of skin rashes and HFMD, frequency of going to the densely populated places, with HFMD exposure history, family children num- ber was abore 1 and the floating population is a risk factor for HFMD, understand the risk factors and formulate the corresponding prevention and treatment of nursing plan, have important sense to prevention and care HFMD.CONCLUSION The family history of family history of skin rashes and HFMD, often go to the densely populated places, with hand, foot and mouth disease exposure his- tory, family children number was abore 1 and the floating population is a risk factor for HFMD. It has important sense to understand the risk factors of HFMD, and formulate the corresponding prevention for the treatment and nursing plan.
出处 《中国初级卫生保健》 2017年第1期57-58,61,共3页 Chinese Primary Health Care
关键词 手足口病 影响因素 LOGISTIC分析 深圳 foot and mouth disease influencing factors logistic analysis Shenzhen
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