Based on the green consumption behavior theory and approach motivation theory, this paper aims to propose and verify a theoret-ical model about the relationship among approach motivation, environment attitude, involvement of green products and purchase intentionof green products. This study investigates and analyzes 715 consumers, and the empirical results by employing the Bootstrapping modelshow that: Approach motivation has a positive influence on the purchase intention of green products; Approach motivation has a positive in-fluence on the environment attitude; the environment attitude has a mediating role in the relationship of approach motivation and the pur-chase intention of green products; the involvement of green products has a negative moderating role in the relationship of approach motiva-tion and the purchase intention of green products; The involvement of green products has a negative adjustable mediating role in the firststage of the relationship among approach motivation, environment attitude and purchase intention of green products; The involvement ofgreen products has a negative adjustable mediating role in the second stage of the relationship among approach motivation, environment at-titude and purchase intention of green products. Finally, the corresponding policy recommendations are proposed based on the researchconclusions.
East China Economic Management