本文介绍了10G无源光网络(PON)系统中光功率的一种检测方法。通过对光路及电路结构的特殊设计,实现对光路上各波长信号光功率的并行测试、在线测试以及对上行信号的突发测试,满足了10G PON系统对光信号功率检测的特殊要求。有利于10G PON系统的安装、管理及维护。
This paper introduces a detection method of the 10 G passive optical network(PON) systems for optical power. It achieves optical power's parallel testing, online testing, and up-stream's burst testing of different wavelength optical signals on optical fiber. By special design of optical and electric circuit, it satisfies the 10 G signal PON system's specific requirements, improves the 10 G PON system's installation, management, and maintain.
Techniques of Automation and Applications