For lake-water source heat pump, the inlet temperature of condenser is the water source temperature, and the outlet temperature of evaporator is the supply water temperature at load side (user) during cooling period ; while the inlet temperature of e- vaporator is the water source temperature, and the out-let temperature of condenser is the supply water tem- perature at load side (user) during heating period. Based on the model to calculate the performance coeffi- cient of heat pump by using the inlet and outlet temper- ature of condenser and evaporator as variables ( in the calculation of? refrigerant coefficient of performance, the inlet temperature of condenser and the outlet tem- perature of evaporator are used as variables ; in the cal- culation of heating coefficient of performance, the inlet temperature of evaporator and the outlet temperature of condenser are used as variables), combined with themeasured results of a lake-water source heat pump sys- tem, the functional relationship between source water temperature and air dry bulb temperature is estab- lished, the supply water temperature at load side is simplified as the arithmetic mean of the supply water temperature at load side during past years, and the cal- culation model is simplified properly. The accuracy of the simplified calculation model is tested, and the ac- curacy of calculation can be accepted.
Gas & Heat
Lake-water source heat pump
co-efficient of performance
simplified calculation