
刑法中有瑕疵的同意之效力认定——以“法益关系错误说”的批判性考察为中心 被引量:19

On the effect of flawed consent of the victim in Criminal Law——A Critical Observation on the theory of Mistake refer Legal interest
摘要 刑法上的被害人同意是被害人基于真实、自愿的意志处分其个人法益的行为,而不仅仅是存在于被害人内心的一种心理状态。这样的话,在被害人同意之有效性的认定上,就不能仅仅从事后判断被害人是否认识到了其个人法益的存在状况,同时还必须事前判断被害人的同意行为是否违背了刑法上的容许规范。支撑法益关系错误说的违法论立场是结果无价值论,从这一立场出发,被害人同意被视为纯粹的主观心理状态,当且仅当被害人无法正确认识被放弃的法益时,同意归于无效。从兼顾结果无价值与行为无价值内容的违法二元论出发,应当将被害人同意理解为被害人的"行为",参照违法二元论的犯罪论体系,被害人最终是否对于自己做出的同意行为及其所导致的结果自我答责,应当对同意行为进行行为归属、结果归属以及责任归属。因此,当被害人发生法益关系错误时,只是作为对于同意行为进行客观归属时所考虑的其中一个因素。可以将被害人同意视为在从行为人的行为导向结果这一过程中的介入因素,当无法对被害人的同意行为进行主观归属时,可以将背后的行为人视为间接正犯,从而将责任归属于行为人。 Consent from victims in Criminal Law is a behavior that means victims base on their real will to dispose their personal legal interests,but not just a state of mind which exists in the heart of the victims. In this case,on the question of recognizing the effectiveness of consent from victims,we can not post just in judging whether the victim recognized the personal legal interests of the existing state,but also must have been judged consent of victims is contrary to allow norm in criminal law. From the standpoint of erfolgsunwert theory,consent from victims agreed to be regarded as purely subjective state of mind,if and only if the victim can not be a correct understanding of the law to give up benefits,the consent is ineffective. But from the standpoint of the dualism,consent should be understood as a behavior,if the victim finally agreed to undertake the responsibility to the behavior and the result of consent,this consent must be attribute to the behavior and the result and the responsibility. Therefore,when the victim made a mistake about the relationship between the legal interest,it just be considered as one factor for the objective attributable on consent. Consent from victim can be regarded as the intervention in the process of the guiding result from the behavior of consent. When unable to subjective attribution on the behavior of the consent,the behind perpetrator can be seen as the indirect principal,so that the liability can be attributed to the behind perpetrator.
作者 李世阳
出处 《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期67-78,共12页 Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金
关键词 法益关系错误说 结果无价值论 行为无价值论 间接正犯 Theory of Mistake refer Legal interest Erfolgsunwert Handlungsunwert Indirect principal
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