
俄国保守主义的实质与变迁--关于理查德·派普斯俄国保守主义的研究 被引量:3

Essence and Evolution of Russian Conservatism: Studies on Richard Pipes' Russian Conservatism
摘要 美国历史学家理查德·派普斯对俄国保守主义的研究,是对俄国政治文化传统的总结之作,对中国的俄罗斯学界具有重要的启示作用。他认为,俄国保守主义的实质就是拥护专制制度,而俄国专制制度的性质是君主的家长制统治,即国家与君主一体,君主代表一切,所有人都依附于君主,国家机构只是君主的私人机构,而未发展成为公共机构。理查德·派普斯分析了数百年间俄国保守主义思想的变迁,认为它是俄国的主导政治思想。俄国1861年改革后,民族主义和反虚无主义成为俄国保守主义的重要内容,自由主义则演变成独特的自由保守主义。但是政治斗争的激烈化导致政权与社会的鸿沟加深,自由派与保守派无法合作,帝制最终倾覆。派普斯对俄国保守主义的分析具有相当的深度,认为俄国社会的发展程度太弱,是导致专制主义强化的根源。但是他并没有摆脱西方中心主义的窠臼,对俄国保守主义的认识比较狭隘,而且对俄国专制制度在现实中的政治活动及其与社会的相互关系的认识太过简化。对于俄国保守主义的历史与现实,学者们还需更进一步地理解与阐释。 American historian Richard Pipes' study on Russian conservatism is a summary of the Russian political and cultural traditions, also an important revelation for Russia studies in China. In his view, the essence of Russian conservatism is to support the Russian autocracy, and the nature of the Russian autocracy lies in the monarch's patrimonial ruling, that is: the state and the monarch were an organic whole, the monarch represented all,everyone was attached to the monarch, state institutions were only the monarch's private sectors, but not public institutions. Richard Pipes analyzed the history of the changes of Russian conservatism, regarded it as Russia's dominant political ideology. After reform of 1861, nationalism and anti-nihilism become important parts of Russian conservatism, liberalism evolved into a unique liberal conservatism, but intense political struggles made the social gap an unbridgeable chasm, the liberals and conservatives could not cooperate, and finally the monarchy was overthrown. Pipes deeply analyzed the Russian conservatism, considered the weak development of Russian society as the root cause of the strengthened despotism. But he did not get rid of the stereotype of the Western-centrism, understood the Russian conservatism too narrowly, and recognized the Russian autocracy and its relationship with society in political activities too simplified. We need to further understand and interpret the history and reality of Russian conservatism.
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期3-22,共20页 Russian Studies
关键词 理查德·派普斯 俄国 保守主义 专制制度 自由主义 Richard Pipes Russia conservatism autocracy liberalism
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